
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Experiments with an air-handler and electronic air cleaner (producing ozone) were operated in a Canadian house to analyse ozone indoor levels for different air change rates and outside ozone levels.
Bowser D, Fugler D
The impact of an ozone generator air cleaner was investigated in a full scale test chamber.
Mason M, Sparks L, Krebs K, Liu X
Three portable air cleaners alone or combined with ultra-violet germicidal irradiations were tested to determine their capacity to remove airborne bacteria. Results give values of airborne bacteria removal rates.
Kujundzic E, Howard C, Hernandez M, Miller S
The potential for natural ventilation is the rating of the possibility to achieve a good indoor air quality by natural ventilation only. The potential for passive cooling can also be defined.
Roulet C A, Germano M, Allard F, Ghiaus C
A design procedure of material and hybrid ventilation systems is described. It includes a climate suitability analysis, a loop equation design method and a detailed multizone coupled thermal-airflow analysis using CONTAM97R software.
Axley J, Emmerich S, Dols S, Walton G
As part of a graduation research, six case studies were carried out to assess the validity of 10 often heard assumed disadvantages of natural ventilation in offices, including poor IAQ and thermal discomfort.
Raue A K, Luscuere P G, Boerstra A C
This study presents a comparison of perceived indoor conditions in both air-conditioned and naturally ventilated buildings.
Muhic S, Butala V
Increasingly, European building designers have used natural ventilation to control air quality and cool commercial buildings to conserve energy compared to mechanical cooling and fan operation.
Axley J W, Emmerich S J
The paper presents the effects of airflow access points on the passive modification of indoor air temperature in a partly roofed high-mass courtyard building found in moderate climate of southeast Queensland.
Rajapaksha U, Hyde R
This paper describes the hybrid ventilation system of a new office building (650 employees) in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) equipped with a decentralized building automation and individual controls.
Jansen G A, Luscuere P G
Although most of the apartments adopt state-of-the-art convenience facilities, since they have become the most popular housing type in Korea, they depend on natural ventilation for HVAC systems, as traditional floor heating systems (Ondol) are use
Sohn J Y, Ham H D, Kang S J, Kim H H
Techniques to reduce noise ingress into naturally ventilated buildings are described.
Oldham D J, de Salis M H, Sharples S
This study was aimed to analyse the ventilation efficiency and indoor air quality in the conventional kitchens, when porous screens were installed on the transoms.
Chiang C M, Chou P C, Li Y Y, Chen C C
The basic mechanism for natural ventilation in a building involves air flowing through purpose-made ventilator openings.
Sharples S, Chilengwe N
In addressing the goals of energy-efficiency and indoor air quality (IAQ) in homes, industry teams in the U.S. Department of Energy's Building America program are installing mechanical ventilation systems in tight homes.
Barley C D
In January 2002, a new European project named HOPE (Health Optimisation Protocol for Energy-efficient Buildings) started with 14 participants from nine European countries.
Bluyssen P M
CSTB has built an experimental house MARIA: Mechanised house for Advanced Research on Indoor Air.
Riberon J, O'Kelly P
The contaminant emission rate is an important parameter describing the potential for materials to affect indoor air quality through the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Cox S S, Hodgson A T, Little J C
This paper provides a summary of current knowledge about the associations of ventilation types in office buildings with sick building syndrome symptoms.
Seppänen O, Fisk W J
A 2x2 replicated field intervention experiment was conducted in a call-centre providing a public telephone directory service: Outdoor air supply rate was 8% or 80% of the total airflow of 430 L/s providing 3.5 h-1; and the supply air filters were
Wargocki P, Wyon D P, Nielsen J B, Fanger P O
