
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Full-scale laboratory measurements combined with numerical simulations were undertaken to evaluate CFD capability to predict the pesticide dispersion in a naturally ventilated building.
Gobeau N, Saunders C J
The results of a study testing the possibility of using Dynamical Thermal Modelling (DTM) techniques within CFD are reported in this paper.
Somarathne S, Kolokotroni M, Seymour M
This paper deals with an approach to a multizone airflow analysis that can account for mechanical energy conservation. It is shown that the resistance (dissipation) provided by zones in a multizone analysis should not be ignored.
Axley J, Wurtz E, Mora L
The objective of this parametric study is to vary some parameters related to the conception of an atrium in order to analyse through CFD calculations their impact on the thermal behaviour during the critical summer conditions.
Belmaaziz M, Izard JL, Dagusé-Dautin, Depecker P
The paper deals with the CFD analysis performed for a family house residence, which is in the design phase : the aim was to test several concepts for heating ( floor heating, floor convectors, both systems) in terms of thermal comfort.
Tibaut P, Wiesler B
This method enables the determination of the influence of heating source characteristics on mean radiant temperature for composite room surfaces, as well as on thermal comfort and discomfort.
Matjaz P
Part 1 of this paper gives first an outline of the experiment (full-scale measurement of the air velocity carried under isothermal condition), then discusses the 2 modeling methods - the BOX method and the P.V.
Nagasawa Y, Kondo Y
In this paper the application of CFD simulation with unstructured fine elements system was carried out to obtain airflow data for the boundary conditions for an air flow.Tthe results were compared with the measured data.
Nagasawa Y, Kondo Y
The main objective of this paper is to describe methods for characterising air diffusers for CFD simulation of the room airflows. As a basis of work, a circular diffuser was used for working out and testing those methods.
Fontaine J.R., Rapp R, Koskela H, Niemelä R
Model experiments were conducted to know the airflow in a room equipped with a ceiling multi-cone diffuser A comparison between the results of CFD and the model experiments has been done.
Kotani H, Yamanaka T, Momoi Y
This paper deals with the integration of CFD analysis tool with genetic algorithms. This integrated process presents advantages in generating design alternatives that tally with multiple design, thermal and ventilation criteria.
Choudhary R, Malkawi A
This article presents the new requirements of the ANSI/ASHRAE standard 62-2001, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, including recent changes of the standard available at the Ashrae web site.
Persily A
Ventilation strategies for multiunit residential buildings are described according to the results of a survey in 260 randomly selected buildings in Canada.
Hill D
The article summarizes the results of three recent Danish studies showing that the improvement of air quality in offices increases productivity by 5% or more.
Wargocki P
The methods for estimating or calculating the noise reduction in ductwork are described. Information is given about noise propagation in straight circular or rectangular ducts and in ducts with diameters changes, bends, elbows or junctions.
Lips W
This paper deals with a 3D numerical study to assess the effectiveness of a displacement ventilation system to remove particulate pollutants, generated in the occupied zone of a room.
Raimundo AM, Costa JJ, Oliveira LA
Flow, temperature field and contaminant concentration distributions are analyzed using CFD for 5 different ventilation systems.
Kobayashi N, Kikuchi S, Takahashi Y, Ito K
This paper presents a numerical method aiming at recreating the concentration field of a pollutant at each point of a ventilated enclosure that contains one or several pollutant sources of unknown emission rate.
Braconnier R, Fontaine JR, Bonthoux F
This study consisted first in a sampling campaign that has shown the important levels of NCL3 encountered in swimming pools.
Teetaert V, Caillibotte G
When using RANS turbulence models the mean profiles of mixed convection can be predicted with accuracy.
Barp S, Moser A
