
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This study compares indoor climate, cooling efficiency and energy consumption of an underfloor air distribution system and a ceiling-based system in a test chamber.
Chae Y T, Moon H J, Ahn B W, Sohn J Y
This paper proposes a new personal air-conditioning system, which modifies a common partition used in offices to a partition-type fan-coil unit (PFCU) with inlets and outlets on its surfaces.
Chiang H, Su S S, Pan C S, Tsau F H
This contribution reports on investigations about the performance of decentralised ventilation units with heat recovery.
Heidt F D, Höptner S, Kalender V
The effects of an air conditioning system for office buildings were studied experimentally and computationally.
Izuhara I, Kuwahara R, Mizutani K
Measurements of indoor air quality indicators (temperature, humidity, dust, biocontaminants and CO2) were performed monthly during one year in a French office building.
Ginestet A, Henninot M, Pugnet D
A zonal model was developed to predict temperatures and moisture in a room taking into account the adsorption/desorption by building materials. Results show how adsorption/desorption influences the moisture field.
Mendonça K C, Inard C, Wurtz E, Winkelmann F C, Allard F
The study presented in this article concerns the numerical simulation of airflows and occupational exposure to household contaminants.
Ribot B, Chen Q Y, Huang J M, Rivoalen H
This paper presents the investigation results on a simulation program, which calculates the particle trajectory under different airflow patterns in the multi-zones structure building.
Li Y, Heng J, Chen Z
This study describes the development of a three dimensional (3D) Lagrangian code of particle transport in indoor turbulent flows.
Abadie M, Limam K, Allard F
96 human subjects (18 years age students from a Swedish high school) were submitted in an experimental room furnished as a classroom to different air flows issued from different ventilation systems : displacement with constant air flow rate, alter
Wigö H, Knez I, Sandberg M
The aim of this study is to investigate an optimal air-conditioning adjustment for an indoor space where people come in and out.
Ohori A, Harada M, Kuno S
The impact on thermal comfort of the way of introducing replacement air (to replace air being exhausted by the hood) in a kitchen was analysed using mathematical models and laboratory experiments with a tyhermal mannequin.
Schrock D, Beardslee D, Sun Z
A method based on both measurements and questionnaire has been developed to investigate comfort in office buildings. The measurements apparatus records temperature, humidity, noise, light, odours and occupant's perceived comfort.
Riberon J, O'Kelly P
Monitoring of temperature and relative humidity was carried out in an air-conditioned office building during the heating season. In addition, occupants filled in health and comfort questionnaire.
Aizlewood C E, Coward S K D, Hamilton L, Raw G J, Wilde D J
The paper describes a measurement system developed by Dantec to evaluate room thermal comfort according to ISO 7730 standard (determination of PMV and PPD indices).
Kvisgaard B
A special garment was developed to measure heat transfer coefficients (convective and radiative) of the clothed human body. It was tested on male subjects operating seated office work in a environmental room.
Zhou G H, Loveday D L, Taki A H, Parsons K C
This paper proposes an algorithm based on the computation of view factors to evaluate the mean radiant temperature in a room with a complex geometry.
Prek M
Thermal comfort obtained with a ceiling cooling system was investigated through experiments with human subjects.
Lee J Y, Natsumi K, Isoda N
Experiments with 30 human subjects were performed in an office equipped with personalized ventilation systems (individual control of flowrate and direction) for 6 workers and with different supply air temperatures to analyse perceived air quality
Kaczmarczyk J, Zeng Q, Melikov A, Fanger P O
Thermal comfort (PMV and PPD indices) of a floor return underfloor ventilation system was evaluated through experiments with different supply air temperatures and internal heat loads. Results are shown and analysed.
Wan M P, Chao C Y
