
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The study was carried out on 6 subjects. Each one is seated at a desk with a mounted PVS. During the experiment the room air temperature was controlled at 28C and the personalized air temperature was 25C.
Yang J, Melikov AK, Fanger PO, Li X, Yan Q
This study is divided into 2 parts : 1. Discussion of the theory of a measurement method for configuration factors using reflections of a curvilinear mirror.2.
Sakoi T, Mochida T, Horikoshi T, Ishii J
This study makes clear that mean skin temperature and skin wettedness do not remain constant but may vary under constant thermal sensations of "slightly warm", "warm" and "hot".
Sakoi T, Mochida T, Nagano K, Shimakura K
A seated, unclothed and bald manikin is used for the experiment. A numerical method calculates the view factors between individual segments of a thermal manikin , and between the outer surfaces and the body segments.
Sorensen DN
The author expresses the evaporative efficiency of sweating as a function of wetted skin surface area.This allows to predict mean skin temperature of human body as a function of 4 environmental factors and 2 human factors.
Kubota H
Influences of architectural parameters , solar heat gain of glazing envelopes, thermal inertia on opaque walls indoor air velocity and physiological parmeters has been taken in account to estimate indoor thermal comfort for occupants.
De Queiroz TCF, Bastos LEG
The paper describes the test procedure and sums up the criteria for the air handling components and systems defined in the Finnish guideline for ventilation equipment Test methods, such as a measuring method of mineral fibres released into airflo
Seppanen O, Bjorkroth M, sateri J
The deposit of particles on ceilings close to ventilation outlets is mainly caused by the features of mixed ventilation, turbulence and induction.
Timmer H, Zeller M
A new type of thermal manikin DRESSMANN (Dummy Representing Suit for Simulation of huMAN heatloss).
Mayer E, Schwab R
This paper deals with two general approaches used to determine multizone air flow by tracer gas experiments : a tracer gas decay model and a simultaneous release of n different tracer gases in n zones (n x n approach) .
Brohus H, Frier C
The velocity field in circular ducts has been measured downstream 8 representative disturbances (elbows, junctions, damper, ...). The uncertainty in flow rate calculation has been defined.
Bonthoux F, Fontaine JR
In order to identify the complex flow located at the breathing zone of a seated person exposed to the airflow coming form a PVS (personalized ventilation system) two techniques are used and compared : the PIV ( a two-dimensional particle image vel
Cermak R, Holsoe J, Meyer KE, Melikov AK
Three methods : step-up velocity change, step-down velocity change, and the cut-off frequency method were tested for the dynamic response of two low velocity thermal anemometers.This paper had the objective to identify whether those methods reco
Popiolek Z, Melikov A
This paper defines a new parameter : the equivalent frequency used for the description of the frequency characteristics of air velocity in turbulent flows.Analyses were performed to identify how much the accuracy of determination of the equivale
Zhou G, Melikov AK
Computed tomography consists in measuring chemical concentrations profiles in a room from the attenuation of a large number of laser rays and converting measurements in a two dimensional concentration profile by a reconstruction algorithm.
Cehlin M, Sandberg M
The paper deals with air flow visualisation using fog generators. This technique has been applied to show air jets boundaries in several cases, in order to design flow generating equipment in industrial buildings.
Pavelek M, Janotkova E
Authors assessed building-related risk factors for lower respiratory symptoms in office workers. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in 1993 collected data during indoor environmental health investigations of workplaces.
Mendell M J, Naco G M, Wilcox T G, Sieber W K
Irritative and respiratory symptoms are reported from people working or living in damp and mouldy buildings, but signs of pulmonary involvement have not yet been found.
NE Ebbehøj N E, Svensson A L, Meyer H W, Valbjørn O
Accurate characterization of particle concentrations indoors is critical to exposure assessments. It is estimated that indoor particle concentrations depend strongly on outdoor concentrations.
McKone T E, Thatcher T L, Fisk W J, Sextro R G, Sohn M D, Delp W W, Riley W J
Particle number concentrations and size distributions were measured in the living room of an unoccupied apartment located in a street canyon in central Copenhagen, in the street, and at a nearby urban background station.
Wåhlin P, Palmgren F, Afshari A, Gunnarsen L, Nielsen O J, Bilde M, Kildesø J
