
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Several studies based on analytical models and numerical simulations have shown that it is difficult to control airborne particle movements in a ventilated room.
Einberg G, Holmberg S
Several studies have shown that supply air filters in office buildings, schools etc. occasionally get wet due to weather impacts.
Kovanen K, Holmberg R
Construction in healthcare facilities is a major risk for airborne agents infecting immune compromised patients. Standard air quality analysis has included air sampling for airborne fungi.
Streifel A J, Mazzarella M
A research program has been initiated to focus on obtaining quantitative data in existing elementary schools through a longitudinal study with controls, interventions, and cross-sectional components.
Woods J E, Penney B A, Freitag P K, Marx G, Hemler B, Sensharma N P
The Texas Elementary School Indoor Air Study (TESIAS) involved several phases, including single-day continuous monitoring of carbon dioxide (CO2) in 120 randomly selected classrooms in two school districts.
Corsi R L, Torres V M, Sanders M, Kinney K A
A study of 120 randomly selected classrooms in 30 schools in central and south Texas, USA was conducted to begin assembling baseline information on the condition of indoor air in Texas elementary schools.
Torres V, Sanders M, Corsi R
The Indoor Air Quality Committee of the Boston Society of Architects was invited to evaluate a large brick school building erected in 1963 to serve 1600 students.
Anderson R, Anis W, Feeney M, Goldman M, Gregor R, Nichols S, Oleary T
Values for total dust concentration in indoor air in day-care centres, offices and schools with no reported problems are measured. These are: day-care centres 41 14 g/m3, offices 16 5 g/m3, schools 20 10 g/m3.
Stridh G, Andersson H, Linder B, Oscarsson J, Sahlberg Bang C
Indoor exposure to particles of outdoor origin constitutes an important exposure pathway. We conducted an intensive set of indoor particle measurements in an unoccupied house under differing operating conditions.
Thatcher T L, Lunden M M, Sextro R G, Hering S, Brown N J
An innovative thermal comfort meter has been developed. It can simulate the human body evaporative losses. The sensor has been calibrated in a climatic chamber with different air temperature, velocity and humidity.
Silva MCG, Mendes JCF
Two nation-wide indoor radon surveys have been conducted in Japan. There was a significant difference between the two surveys. The first survey covered over 7000 houses using Karlsruhe passive radon detectors developed in Germany.
Tokonami S, Yonehara H, Zhuo W, Sun Q, Sanada T, Yamada Y
An intervention study was carried out in eleven elementary schools in Trondheim, Norway. Three schools with poor ventilation standard, four schools with carpets, and four reference schools participated.
Mathisen H M, Jenssen J A, Johnsen R
Interior Alaska has indoor air quality issues similar to other far northern communities associated with long cold winters and reduced ventilation rates.
Johnson R, Schmid J, Seifert R
Provision of good IAQ in buildings located close to a busy road requires application of air filtration systems which are efficient for submicrometer and especially ultra fine particles, since traffic emissions are associated with particles in thes
Jamriska M, Morawska L
Guangdong is one of the provinces that have most hot springs in China. This paper presents the results of radon measurements in hot spring hotels of Guangdong province by using NR-667A continuous radon detector.
Song G, Zhang B, Wang X, Gong J, Chan D, Bernett J
Two methods have been used for measurement of natural convection flows in a narrow vertical channel of which one wall is heated : a hot wire anemometer adapted to measurements in flows where temperature gradients exist (two hot wires with differen
Lundström H, Sandberg M
Operative temperature which takes in account air temperature and radiation is of great importance when one defines human comfort.This paper gives information about definition, calculation and measurement of operative temperature.
Kvisgaard B
This paper demonstrates the importance of the combined use of an energy simulation program and a CFD program for an accurate design of two low energy cooling systems : displacement ventilation and a combined chilled ceiling with displacement vent
Srebric J, Novoselac A
This paper describes the CFD model implemented within a building simulation program (ESP-r). It gives results examples to demonstrate the application potential of the model to calculate local comfort conditions and air quality.
Clarke JA, Macdonald IA, Stankov P, Denev J, Melikov A
In 2 tropical countries such as Singapore and Indonesia, the perception of thermal comfort is different for people according to their living standards. The higher the standard of living is, the better comfort in living environment is required.
Feriadi H, Wong NH, Sekhar SC, Cheong KW, Tham KW
