
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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CFD and fluid net models used for natural ventilation designs do not consider the impacts of fluctuating characteristics to the mean airflow rate.
Tan G, Zhu Y
The wind tunnel experiment is the major method for cross ventilation researches. Up to now no quantitative evaluation method nor standard has been produced.
Sawachi T
Investigation by means of CFD and small-scale laboratory experiments showed that flow bifurcations could occur in building spaces ventilated by buoyancy force with large opening ceiling.A theoretical model has been developed to determine the ceil
Chen Z, Li Y
In this paper, cross ventilation is evaluated by the multi zone network airflow simulation and using CFD.
Akabayashi SI, Sakaguchi J, Sasaki Y
This paper develops a simple analytical model for the air flow inside a room with different discrete heating and cooling sources, established by combined localised and distributed heat input.
Holford JM, Hunt GR, Linden PF
This paper is built on the hypothesis that, as the heated area increases from a point source, a displacement flow is maintained until the heated area reaches a critical fraction of the floor area, after which there is a transition to mixing flow.T
Hunt GR, Holford JM, Linden PF
In this paper, after theoretical considerations, two ventilation openings are analysed : an opening with top-hinged flap and a wall inlet with central flap.
Andersen KT
Experimental set-up and measurement procedures were carried out to evaluate the performance of a windcatcher, using an open working section wind tunnel.
Elmualim AA, Awbi HB
This paper sums up the developments in geophysical fluid dynamics and ocean currents related to dynamical phenomena. Examples from study of ocean flows are given, then several methods for studying nonlinear dynamical phenomena proposed.
Li Y, Deng Q, Heiselberg P
Due to the renewal of interest for solar chimneys (that convert thermal energy into the kinetic energy of air movement) , experiments were carried out in a controlled environment, with a full-scale chimney, where both air-velocity and air-tempera
Halldorsson J, Byrjalsen C, Chen ZD, Bandopadhayay P, Heiselberg P
The study of buoyancy-driven natural ventilation in buildings requires windless conditions.
Jiang Y, Chen Q
The effect of a solar chimney along with a solar screen on the effectiveness of natural ventilation is investigated in this paper.The benefit of the combination of both systems is that it enhances the natural ventilation flow through the building
Woods AW
This paper is a description of a numerical method that aims at analysing three-dimensional natural convection in rooms with wide openings.A 3D CFD tool is proposed to predict the airflow pattern and the heat and mass transfer inside a heated offic
Ramos JAE, Martinho NAG, Pitarma RA, Carvalho MG
LES (Large Eddy Simulation) has bben used to simulate cross ventilation under various wind direction angles.
Kurabuchi T, Ohba M, Fugo Y, Endoh T
A newly proposed method for evaluating ventilation performance of various types of window openings is presented with its experimental validation. The experimental system has been designed by means of wind tunnel techniques.
Kurabuchi T, Ohba M, Fugo Y, Endoh T
This paper is a presentation of a detailed mathematical simulation along with an experimental investigation of airflow in solar chimneys carried out with an experimental apparatus whose most of the variables could be changed during the experiments
Adam Z, Yamanaka T, Kotani H
This paper studies the climatic suitability to natural ventilation, which depends on energy saved for cooling and on the presence of driving forces such as wind and buoyancy.
Ghiaus C, Allard F
This paper aims at developing and implementing a fuzzy controller for naturally ventilated building.The first objective of this research was to develop and then validate a rule based controller which can vary the resistance of ventilation opening
Marjanovic L, Eftekhari M
This paper presents the results of the performance of a wall-mounted natural ventilation convector under real winter weather conditions.
Elmualim AA, Awbi HB, Fullford D, Wetterstad L
The REinforced EXhaust System (REEXS) is a local ventilation principle for industrial ventilation with improved efficiency for capturing contaminants released by working processes .This paper discusses the validation of a 3D CFD model for the dete
Gubler D, Moser A, Sprecher P, Rueegg Th
