
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The aim of that study was to follow up the performance of ventilation in 2 buildings for people with respiratory illnesses.
Palonen J, Jokiranta K, Kurnitski J, Seppänen O, Tuomainen M, Pirinen J
For the protection of workers against the excessive radiation heat, local ventilation is used . But the distribution of locally supplied air has to be designed so as not to interfere with the production process.
Janotkova E, Pavelek M
The comparison of indoor temperatures measured in different Beijing buildings without air conditioners allowed those conclusions : the indoor temperature is different according to the floor at which a room is located , a high insulation of ex
Yiwen J, Yi J
In surgical operating theatres the concentration of contaminants to a minumum level is compulsory so an optimum design of air conditioning is required along with careful control of flow and temperature characteristics to achieve sterile condition
Kammel R, Khalil EE
The aim for the design of the ventilation was to achieve the best possible air quality in the non-smoking zones and for the employees in a combined bar/restaurant. Air curtains are used to separate the zones.
Skistad H, Berner M
In this paper measurement of local ventilation index and air exchange efficiency is presented. That work shows that with carefully design solutions, health risks for restaurant workers and bartenders can be considerably reduced.
Mathisen HM, Skistad H, Frydenlund F, Sundberg V, Berner M, Zahlsen K
This paper deals with an experiment made in a rest room located in the living quarter of a Norwegian oil platform in the North Sea.
Olesen KP
Concerning pollution in Hong Kong, the situation is particularly serious in public transfer locations such as public taxi transfer interchanges.
Lu WZ, Wang XK, Wang WJ, Leung AYT, Yuen KK, Lo SM
This paper deals with the effect of discharging the air from a diffuser elevated above the floor.
Linden E, Elvsen PE, Sandberg M
In so far as a CFD analysis is becoming more and more complex. The presentation of the results must be adapted according to the audience.
Gubler D, Schälin A
This paper deals with a computer simulation of airflow and indoor environment in livestock buildings. Simulation results have been analysed and visualized with a Virtual reality visualization .
Svidt K, Bjerg B
Ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems are of vital importance for the health and comfort of residents and other building users.
Delmotte Ch., Andersson J., Carrié F.R., Malmstrom T., Wouters P.
Describes two European research projects on performance criteria for healthy buildings in which TNO Building and Construction Research (The Netherlands) is involved : HOPE (Health optimisation protocol for energy efficient buildings : Prenormative
Bluyssen P, Loomans M
This booklet summarizes the work of IEA ECBCS Annex 35 'Hybrid ventilation in new and retrofitted office buildings' and is based on the research findings from the participating countries.
Heiselberg P
This report describes the characteristics of a thermodynamic concept, exergy, in association with building heating and cooling systems. It introduces the various forms of exergy and the mathematical formulations used to evaluate them.
Shukuya M, Hammache A
The brochure describes the main characteristics and advantages of low temperature heating systems. It presents 8 buildings with such systems, briefly describing the building and its equipment.
Virtanen M
Multiple-skin facades were studied by means of experiments and numerical simulations. Experimental work was done on naturally and mechanically ventilated single storey multiple skin facades.
Saelens D
From experimental data on eight common air diffusers, authors developed simplified methods (the box method and the momentum method) to describe air flow and temperatures in the air jet that can be used as imput data for room air flow CFD calculati
Srebric J, Chen Q
This article describes the various types of fungi (yeasts, molds, mushrooms, ...). It reminds that they are single or multi-cellular non-motile organisms which rely on other organism or environment for nutrients.
Armstrong S, Liaw J
This article describes bacteria and viruses usually considered as candidates for biological weapons. It also presents chemical agents that might be used as chemical weapons.
Miller J D
