
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

More than three quarters of all consumed energy in buildings are used for heating, ventilation and sanitary hot water preparation.
Medved S.,l Arkar C., Domjan S., Cerne B.
The transformation of the Conservatorio San Giuseppe , into the Cospicua Residential Home for the Elderly has become a landmark in the neighbourhood.
Frendo J.
Winner of First Prize in the 2 nd Commonwealth Inter-school Design Competition organised by theCommonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), 1991. The winning design was a pair of houses with wind towers.
Frendo J.
This paper outlines the Europrosper project whose objectives are to :1.
Cohen R., Bordass W., Field J., Francis A.
The historical headquarter of Italian Ministero degli Esteri (Ministry of External Affairs) in Rome named as "Palazzo della Farnesina" is a very large (about 700.000 m 3 of volume) and complex multi-functional building.The objective of present stu
Beccali M., Butera F., Ferrari S. , Oliaro P.
The White Paper on renewable Energy states that the total energy requirements in thedomestic sector could be reduced by 50% in EU until the year 2010, half of which could be accounts for by introducing passive and active solar technologies in buil
Doukas P. , Santamouris M.
Swedish dwellings often have mechanical ventilation with an almost constant air flow independent of variations in loads. The performance of these ventilation systems is often not satisfying. The occupant habits have changed e.g.
Blomsterberg Å. , Källman O. , Berggren T., Ryhre J.
The fine filter (EU7) was included in the ventilation system which operated at full capacity only during working days.
Kokotti H., Halonen R., Kujanpää L., Keskikuru T., Lehtimäki M., Taipale A., Reiman M.
This paper presents an approach to evaluate the sensitivity of a roof design to condensation problems, given the uncertainty to achieve continuity of airtightness in practice.
Janssens A.
The needle heat exchanger (acts as a pre filter EU3) was installed in front of the glass fiber used as a fine filter (EU7) in the supply air chamber.
Halonen R., Kokotti H., Kujanpää L, Keskikuru T., Reiman M.
Constructional aspects and the use of school building had led to moisture and mold damages confirmed by microbiological analysis from material, surface and air samples. Cultivation methods were used to assess mesophilic fungi and actinobacteria.
Reiman M., Kujanpää L., Kujanpää R.
Basis of this work was the question of the formation of air flows in ventilated test rooms with regard to wall influences.
Heschl Ch., Fesharaki M., Geyer J., Kelz A
In this work, experiments were carried out to estimate deposition rate of 5µm particles powder in large cylindrical straight ducts for different diameters. Two types of ducts were compared: rigid ducts and flexible ducts.
Bouilly J., Limam K., Allard F.
It is well understood that there are many sick professional buildings in use all over the world. Most of them are sited in or near the center of large cities where the ambient atmospheric conditions are not good.
Asimakopoulos D.N., Helmis C.G.
The use of hypochlorite for water disinfection is source of chloramines production, which are transferred to the atmosphere.Nitrogen trichloride (NCl3) is the main component, which is a major cause of respiratory and ocular problems for swimmers a
Teetaert V., Caillibotte G.
The mitigation to reduce indoor pollutant concentration are increasing ventilation rate or to reduce the emission of the pollutant which is also common in VOCs.
Material properties, water vapor permeability, sorption/suction isotherm and moisture diffusivity, are prerequisite for application of all hygrothermal models.
Qiu X., Haghighat F., Kumaran K.
This paper presents the results of a series of specially designed experiments to study moisture transport across bonded or natural contact interfaces between building materials.
Qiu X., Haghighat F., Kumaran K.
The purpose of the work is the determination of unsteady variation of the moisture content in the walls. The mathematical model is based on humidity transport equations in porous media.
Vartires A., Lebrun J., Colda I.
This work, along with the experimental measurements on which it is based, was carried out in the framework of research undertaken by the French “Groupe de Pilotage sur la Qualité des Ambiances” (GPQA), whose task was to initiate and co-ordinate wo
Virgone J., Laporthe S.
