
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper is the second part of a study on indoor emission sources models : this part is the compilation and review of 48 methods for parameter estimation.For an useful valid model, estimation of the different parameters of a model must be easy.
Guo Z.
This paper is a sum up of 32 epidemiological studies (mainly concerning children) having a link between indoor pollutions and respiratory diseases.
Clarisse B., Seta N., El Hasnaoui A., Terrioux P., Momas I.
The aim of that study is to establish the relationship between symptoms and report of building dampness and odors.A questionnaire was then sent to the inhabitants of 231 multi-family buildings of Stockholm, containing more than 4800 dwellings, wit
Engvall K, Norrby C, Norback D
The use of house dust is studied to identify sources and quantify levels of toxicants for the estimation of exposure. Sampling strategies were examined, just as uncertainty and lack of knowledge.
Lioy PJ, Freeman NC, Millet JR
This article studied the exposure to 45 defined volatil organic compounds in an university art school, ventilated with a 100% exhaust mechanical ventilation system.
Ryan TJ, Hart EM, Kappler LL
The aim of the article is to study the effect of removing small airborne particles in an office building.The standard particle filters were replaced with highly efficient filters.
Mendell MJ, Fisk WJ, Petersen MR, Hines CJ, Dong M, Faulkner D, Deddens JA, Ruder AM, Sullivan D, Boeniger MF
This study compares the contaminant concentration obtained from simple models with contaminant concentration fields obtained from CFD simulations, for various rooms and source configurations.
Feigley CE, Bennett JS, Khan J, Lee E
In that study, formaldehyde exposures was examined in relation to asthma for young children in western Australia.
Rumchev KB, Spickett JT, Bulsara MK, Pjilipps MR, Stick SM
The aim of the study is to validate CFD approaches for the simulation of the dispersion of gases and vapors in an enclosed space at different flow rates, and to show the impact of one important determinant of simulation accuracy.CFD results and me
Lee E, Feigley CE, Khan J
LBNL - Proceedings of Indoor Air 2002 (9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate) - June 30 - July 5, 2002 - Monterey, California - vol 1, pp 521-526, 3 figs, 10 refs","This paper presents a model for particle deposition on fi
Siegel J A, Nazaroff W W
Performance of radon mitigation systems, including active sub-slab ventilation, basement over-pressurization and crawlspace isolation and ventilation, was monitored in 12 houses in the USA during 10 years.
Prill R, Fisk W J
Ductwork is used for transport of air used for ventilation or air conditioning in buildings. The supply air is typically conditioned (filtered, warmed or cooled, sometimes humidified or dehumidified).
Malstrom T.G.
The Airways project was set up to provide design guidance and maintain afficient air duct systems, and to bring to light the energy saving opportunities in parallel with health, safety and comfort issues.
Malstrom T, Andersson J, Carrie F R, Wouters P, Delmotte C
Insufficient concern about energy efficiency during the design and/or the operation of a building is the main reason for the high energy consumption of existing buildings.
Froehlich S, Wagner A, Wambsganß M, Schlums M
Approximately 300 low energy houses have been built in the Republic of Ireland by the multi-national CRH Plc and South Dublin County Council as part of a co-ordinated European Commission-supported demonstration project, RE-Start (Renewable Energie
Lewis J O, Goulding J R
Energy conservation represents a main concern for the environmental, economical and social problems. In this field, educational buildings are large consumer of energy and in many countries need retrofits.
Adra N, Cantin R, Guarracino G
Within an Italian Experimental Programme an interdisciplinary research for the retrofitting of some residential buildings in the surrounding of Florence has been carried out.
Raffellini G, Carletti C, Sciurpi F.
A important part of educational buildings must be retrofitted in many European countries, in the next years, for historical and demographic reasons.
Cantin R., Adra N., Guarracino G.,Nicolas G.
The Portuguese National Museum for Archaeology is undergoing an expansion and retrofitting. It is currently housed in one of the most important ancient monuments in Portugal: the Monastery of Jernimos.
Maldonado E.,Quinta P. and Jesus M.
Reconstruction of late 19 th century building for new Slovene Ethnographic Museum is presented.
Krainer A.
