
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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That paper deals with the use of nondimensioanl graphs for designing the envelopes of naturally ventilated buildings.
Etheridge D W
Thanks to an environmental chamber equipped with a displacement ventilation system, neutral height measurements were carried out with the presence of a heated mannequin and other heat sources.The relationship between the neutral height for air dis
Xing H, Awbi H B
Experiments were operated to determine the thermal stratification in a full-scale enclosure with natural ventilation driven by thermal source. Results provided by various predictive techniques were compared with experimental data.
Howell S A, Potts I
Starting from models library, a zonal model of an entire building can be constructed by assembling the appropriate modules. A model-generating tool called GenSPARK makes the process automatic.
Musy M, Winkelmann F, Wurtz E, Sergent A
A supervisory control scheme for a sensor based demand-controlled ventilation system is described in this paper.
Wang S, Chen Y
In this paper, the variations of the airflow induced by a moving operator in a cleanroom installed with a curtain, are studied numerically. The effects of the moving operator and curtain on the airflow patterns are taken into account.
Yang S J, Fu W S
A field survey was carried out to evaluate the thermal comfort perception of the occupants of a naturally ventilated public housing in Singapore to find out if that environment meets the Ashrae standard 55's 80 % criteria of acceptability.That sur
Wong N H, Feriadi H, Lim P Y, Tham K W, Sekhar C, Cheong K W
That study aims at proving that the use of low-polluting building materials leads to an improvement of the air quality.
Wargocki P., Bako-Biro Z., Clausen G, Fanger P.O.
This paper presents the modeling of convective flows based on lattice Boltzmann methods in combination with a large eddy turbulence model. The used example is complex and three-dimensional.
Crouse B., Krafczyk M., Kühner S., Rank E., Van Treeck C.
In this paper the main features and the latest improvements of COMIS (that simulates multizone air flow and pollutant transport) are presented.
Haas A., Weber A., Dorer V., Keilholz W, Pelletret R.
A study on the effect of air temperature on productivity was carried out in telecommunications offices with an observational approach in call centre 1 and an intervention approach in the second call center by installing cooling units.The study sh
Niemelä R, Hannula M., Rautio S., Reijula K., Railio J.
In this paper the author analyses the different weaknesses of the HVAC systems in case of air contamination by a deliberate pollution of the inducted air due to vandalism, terrorism or any other motives.To prevent that danger he gives some advice
Bronsema B.
A methodology for assessing the potential for a CO2 retrofit on an existing building is presented in this paper. A case study is described, the subject building is an Energy Star rated building that has a Direct Digital Control (DDC) system.
Schell M, Smith D
A contaminated supply air system may have an adverse effect on indoor air quality.
Holopainen R., Tuomainen M., Asilainen V., Pasanen P., Säteri J.; Seppänen O.
Dryness is still one of the major complaints concerning indoor air quality in office buildings and respective nonindustrial environments.
Reinikainen L.
There is a variety of different methods consulting engineers use to design room system, room air diffusion, such as assumption of perfect mixing, design methods employing the empirical relations determined through research, air jet theory and comp
Hagström K.
The contaminant removal efficiency and the uniformity of contaminant concentration in the occupied zone of a room were studied in scale model with the following varying parameters : occupied zone obstruction level, air distribution system, air cha
Hagstrôm K, Zhivov A.M., Siren K, Christianson LL.
This paper is a review of the techniques and equipment used during the last 20 years, to monitor Particulate Matter personal exposures, microenvironment concentrations and the constituants of sampled particulate matter.
Jantunen M, Hanninen O, Koistinen K, Hashim JH
Scientific tools are used to get insights into the processes that affect the exposure assessment : these are the exposure models.
Moschandreas DJ, Saksena S.
This paper is the first part of a study on indoor emission sources models : 52 models of recent years are overviewed, each one is presented, with its validity, usefulness, limitation and flaw if necessary.
Guo Z.
