
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This technical note from AIVC aims to provide information on residential ventilation systems and how these can be applied to meet the conflicting needs for fresh air and minimised energy consumption.
Concannon P
The article describes the available techniques for sampling and analysing VOCs emitted by materials.
Henneuse-Boxus C
European radon research and industry collaboration concerted action (ERRICCA2) is establishing a European scientific led industrial forum aimed at reducing risks to health from radiation (principally radon) in the built environment.
Scivyer C
The aim of that study was to measure the performance of local ventilation for various parameter settings (nozzles and slots REEXS) and to demonstrate the benefit for real working situations.A test cabin was built, to measure the capture efficienc
Rueegg T, Weber R, Pfeiffer A, Sprecher P, Moser A, Gubler D
This paper aims at showing the difference between the two approaches used to evaluate the capture efficiency of a local ventilation system : an experimental research using the tracer gas method ( CO2) and the numerical modelling using CFD code
Krejci V, Patocka S, Jicha M
One way to prevent cold air from entering through the doorway into a building is to use an air curtain. It is a stream of air blown across the doorway that acts as a thermal barrier.
Aki V
This paper deals with measurement of the capture efficiency of REEXS (Reinforced Exhaust System).
Patocka S, Janotkova E
The first part of this paper deals with the performance of a ventilated ceiling system. Field measurements were made in a kitchen of a dietitics school in Kyoto practising mass cooking.
Horikawa S, Otaka K, Hayashi H, Lee SJ, Akimoto T
The second part of the paper deals with the measurements of the indoor thermal environment and the ventilation performance of a commercial kitchen.Measurements were made with a tracer gas (SF6) which is non-toxic and odorless.A smoke machine (ROS
Akimoto T, Horikawa S, Otaka K, Hayashi H, Lee SJ
2 examples of extract systems are presented in this paper : the first one concerns dust removal in a public waste plant and the second smoke separation in a smoker/non-smoker zone with no visual impact (i.e.
Schaelin A
The objective of this paper was to illustrate the potential of the CFD technique to compare the effectiveness of different general ventilation systems in reducing the workers' exposure to styrene vapour in a workroom. .
Hasan RGM, Gobeau N, Fletcher B, Piney M
A validated CFD model was used to generate concentration distribution data for CO2, radon and moisture in a Hong Kong workshop with displacement ventilation.Contaminant concentration distribution depends on the contaminant source type and location
Lin Z, Cjhow TT, Fong KF
Emissions due to chicken farming should be minimised because they increase the greenhouse effect on the one hand and odours lead to annoyance.
Müller HJ
This paper deals with the use of an Air Curtain Device in a typical HVAC application where there is a need to provide aerodynamic sealing between a comfortable human enclosure and a warmer neighbour space.Three different complementary experim
Silva MCG, Brites GVN, Neto LPC
The Volatile Organic Compounds concentrations in indoor air tend to be higher than the level allowed by the standards or codes.
Zhang Y, Yang R, Xu Y, Zhao R
In general, there are 3 locations used for the fresh air supply in a standard cleanroom : under the ceiling of supply air plenum, at the return air shaft, and under the raised floor.
Hu SC, Chung JH
This report presents the status of airborne biocontamination measurements in France in residential and commercial buildings.
Parat S
In 1998, an international research project entitled "Hybrid Ventilation in New and Retrofitted Office and Educational Buildings" was commenced under the auspices of the International Energy Agency.
Several authors
In this paper, the normal ventilation system and the concept of all fresh air conditioning and ventilating system are presented.
Sakaguchi J, Akabayashi SI
In this paper, the authors are proposing a concept of a radiant ceiling panel HVAC system integrated with ice storage system to cope with the following requirements : load leveling, energy saving, cost saving and thermal comfort.
Nakano Y, Urabe W, Miyanaga T, Tsubota Y, Oka T, Hashimoto Y, Hazama Y
