
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper deals with the simulation of air flow pattern in an office in Singapore (22.5 m x 84 m) with a typical day environmental conditions.
Willem HC, Sekhar SC
This paper describes a method for the determination of optimal indoor conditions, using three parameter indexes: PMV (predicted mean vote) for thermal comfort, CO2 concentration for indoor air quality and cooling/heating load for efficient use of
Atthajariyakul S, Leephakpreeda T
This paper deals with the case of a very important thermal discomfort due to wide open arcades and corridors beneath a building, especially under windy and rainy weather.
Gaspar AR, Quintela DA
A method for analyzing the thermal and lighting radiations in offices building has been developed.
Miyanaga T, Urabe W, Nakano Y
In an air-conditioned office building in Singapore, 3 different filtration systems have been evaluated under similar fresh air intake and ventilation rate conditions (electrostatic filtration, electrostatic filtration with chemical adsorption, and
Tham KW, Ranjith A
The concentration of fungal spores is higher in the crawl space than inside houses. Domestic mechanical exhaust ventilation systems may create air flow between crawl space and base floor through leaks.
Matilainen M, Pasanen P
Variations in heat source positions in a room bring changes in the ventilation effectiveness. Those changes are studied using experimental data and CFD results.
Cho Y, Awbi HB
Advantages of floor supply and floor return systems (UFAD: under floor air distribution systems) are described.
Bielli E
Overnight free cooling in buildings brings potential benefits that have been known for some time. This study investigates those benefits when used in conjunction with an under floor air delivery system (UFAD).
Bielli E
A simple conceptual approach to room surface convective heat transfer is presented, defining a global room heat transfer coefficient. It is applied to two room ventilation systems : mixing and cross-ventilation.
Carrilho de Graça G, Linden PF
Prediction of airflow and pollutant transfers in a simple multizone building may use different approaches such as zonal or nodal modeling methods.
Mora L, Inard C, Wurtz E, Axley JW
This paper deals with the steady state simulations carried out with the CFD software Flovent along with dynamic building energy simulations using the ESP-r programme applied to three buildings (located in Ireland, Poland and Denmark) intended to b
McEvoy M, Southall R
This paper presents an on-going research programme about the performance of a natural ventilation system in a 3-storey building (with 2 aparments in every floor) in Portugal.
Viegas JC, Marques da Silva F, Matias L, Pinto A
Thermal comfort for 227 occupants in 8 office buildings with displacement ventilation was investigated. The occupants' thermal sensation was close to the predictions by the PMV index.
Pitchurov G, Naienov K, Melikov A, Langkilde G
This paper gives the results of a field study in Danish office spaces with displacement ventilation systems. Draught was identified as a serious problem. Half of the 227 occupants were not satisfied with indoor air quality.
Naydenov K, Pitchurov G, Langkilde G, Melikov A
A poor ventilation in buildings costs considerable amounts of money for hospitals and businesses.10 % of hospital acquired infections are directly due to an airborne route.
Cullen N, Wyatt T
Sixteen countries world wide have participated to this international programme (IEA ECBCS Annx 35) running from 1998 to 2002 about "Hybrid ventilation in new and retrofitted office buildings" .
Heiselberg P
This study was undertaken in IEA ECBCS Annex 35 to model a hybrid-ventilated room and to implement control strategies. An experimental cell was designed and simulations were performed after having adjusted the thermal models to experiments.
Cron F, Mankibi ME, Inard C, Michel P
The use of a hybrid cooling system using radiant cooling panels with wind-induced cross ventilation is described in this paper. Its performance is compared to the hybrid system using underfloor air-cooling.
Song D, Kato S, Murakami S, Kim T
This paper demonstrates that the distribution and area of ventilation openings affects significantly the air flow rates in a hybrid ventilation system.
Li Y, Leung H, Law AYM
