
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Results of IEA ECBCS annex 35 Hybvent case studies about the control strategy used in buildings with hybrid ventilation are summed up in this paper : it is easy to design a suitable control strategy for hybrid ventilated cellular offices, but it i
Aggerholm S
This paper presents a numerical study of hybrid ventilation in densely populated multi-storey urban apartment units.
Liu Y, Moser A
The performance of various kinds of ventilation systems (mechanical supply, mechanical exhaust, mechanical supply and exhaust, crawl space supply and hybrid exhaust) was evaluated in a full-scale test house during heating period.
Yoshino H, Lee J, Wada J
The aim of this study was to define whether energy savings and comfortable conditions are achievable along with a reduction or even suppression of the mechanical cooling systems.Three different cooling systems (mechanical standard air conditionin
Spindler H, Glicksman L, Norford L
This paper presents the European Research project RESHYVENT with its structure (partners and different work packages) , and its objectives : to develop demand controlled hybrid ventilation systems, including the development of four prototypes of h
Van der Aa A, Op'tVeld P
One of the main objectives of this pilot study in a Swedish school was to evaluate the hybrid ventilation system with respect to ventilation, IAQ, thermal comfort, use of electricity for ventilation.
Blomsterberg A, Wahlström A, Sandberg M
This paper reports experiments carried out in a scale model, about possibilities to use buoyancy forces to distribute air and heat through horizontal openings. Water and saline water have been used as operating fluids.
Blomqvist C, Sandberg M
This paper intends to find a simplified method for the prediction of natural ventilation in a cross ventilated room . This method is based on the use of pressure boundaries instead of the modelling of a larger domain.
True JPJ, Heiselberg P, Nielsen PV
A large opening has first been defined as "an opening where the flow is not fully unidirectional".
True JPJ, Heiselberg P, Nielsen PV
This paper reports some findings from IEA ECBCS Annex 35 about wind driven flow through building openings.
Sandberg M
This report describes the actions which were operated since the end of 1999 for setting up the French Permanent Survey on Indoor Air Quality.
Kirchner S, Pasquier N, Gauvin S, Golliot F, Pietrowski D, Cochet C
This article describes a new system developed and patented by a Belgian firm for air purification, using photocatalysis (UVA radiation + titania dioxide) for VOC and odour removal. Results from degradation tests are presented.
Kartheuser B, Boonaert C
This CD gives information to understand and apply the new French Thermal Regulations RT 2000, which are applicable to new residential and commercial buildings and which mainly concern the calculation of energy consumption of buildings and comparis
Sesolis B, Bernard A M, Cardonnel C, Pouget A, Tchang N, Tissot A, Creste M P, Braire V, Visier J C, Millet J R, Farkh S, Bohler A, Husaundee A, Bouchet J A
A new room model has been developed and validated in order to be used for the assessment of HVAC sensors, assuming non-homogeneous room conditions and distinguishing between different sensor positions. .
Riederer P
The aim of this workshop organised by BBRI was to identify recent developments in ventilation systems/strategies and to analyse how such innovative systems are at present treated in regulations and how they could be better treated in the future.
Wouters P, De Gids W, Heiselberg P, Visier J C, Vandaele L, Bossaer A, Meester A, De Graaf A, Jardinier M, Van der Aa A
Describes the new regulations concerning the energy efficiency of buildings and ventilation requirements that have been adopted for Ireland.
Press and information office of the Irish Department of the Environment
In natural ventilation, the airflows stream in opposite directions. One enters the room while the other leaves it. A neutral zone exists where pressure difference between the inside of the room and the outdoor environment is equal to zero.
Wildeboer J, Fitzner K
This paper presents a procedure that allows to look at the influence of atmospheric turbulence in natural ventilation. This procedure uses wind time series.
Marques da Silva F, Saraiva JG
Three flow regimes encountered in hybrid ventilation systems, depending on the external temperature along with the imposed heating and cooling loads, are investigated .
Gladstone C, Woods AW, Keegan P
Natural ventilation is often a highly unsteady phenomenon, therefore steady criteria, very helpful for mechanical systems, cannot be used. This paper presents ideas for evaluating transient flow situations.
Gritzki R, Richter W, Rösler M
