
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Double skin façades may help combine a high degree of transparency with high thermal and solar performance. Advanced façades serve as filters and may be responsive to changes in environmental conditions and occupant requirements.
Kragh M., Colombari M., Zobec M.
Detailed simulation studies on the design and development of PV/T systems are being carried out at the Politecnico di Milano, for their possible integration with a sloped roof.
Aste N., Beccali M., Chiesa G.
In conventional construction, the ventilation air enters a building through a combination of ‘desired’ pathways, via opened apertures, such as a window, vents, and ‘undesired’ pathways, via cracks such as around external openings, joints between b
Dimoudi A., Androutsopoulos A., Lykoudis S.
A condensing device allows to avoid condensation on cooling ceilings in rooms with humid air. It uses thermoelectric modules in contact with the cooling panels.
Courret G., Egolf P.W., Sari O.
The Solar-Campus Juelich consists of two buildings, as part of the University of Applied Sciences, Aachen, and student dormitories for 136 students (5 row houses), see Figure 1.
Göttsche J., Gabrysch K., Delahaye A., Schwarzer K.
In this paper, a literature survey on rectangular and round ventilation ducts is presented. The comparison is based on two important aspects: pressure drop and noise radiation.
Hassan O.A.B., Yue Z.
In order to save energy for building cooling during hot days in regions with cool nights, air circulation throughout the interior of the building has been envisaged as a means to lower the temperature of the building structural mass.
Todorovic B., Randjelovic I., Krstic A.
This paper presents the results of a field study on five HVAC duct systems in France.
Carrié F.R., Barhoun H.
To evaluate innovations and efficiency as regards air-conditioning, it is necessary to know for how long and in which conditions the equipment functions, an indication related with the COOLING LOAD and which is their effectiveness - EER - on avera
Adnot J., Rivière P.
The combination of an open wet cooling tower with chilled ceilings is a CFC free, cheap and low energy cooling solution. The efficiency of this alternative to mechanical cooling is very dependent on climate.
Bolher A., Fleury E., Millet J.R., Marchio D., Stabat P.
In the present communication, a psychometric model has been presented to evaluate the performance of rotary desiccant wheels based on different kind of desiccants e.g. silica gel and LiCl.
Beccali M., Butera F., Guanella R., Adhikari R.S.
To evaluate the impact of the natural ventilation of the air cavity in the prototype of the glazing system being studied in the frame of the project SOLVENT, funded in part by the Commission of the European Union, a prototype of a reversible natur
Molina J.L., Maestre I.R., Sandberg M., Maldonado E., Leal V., Erell E., Etzion Y., Gutschker O.
Ventilation is one of the most important measures to dilute indoor air pollutants.
Hiroshi Yoshino 1 , Joonghoon Lee 1 and Jun Wada 2
This paper describes the results of a collaboration study between ENTPE-LASH and LEPTAB within the framework of the IEA Annex 35 “Hybrid Ventilation in New and Retrofitted Buildings”.
El Mankini M., Cron F., Michel P., Inard C.
Studies on buildings have shown that airtightness and insulation increased in family buildings and detached houses too, due to new thermal regulations.
Boulanger X.
This paper considers an ideal naturally ventilated building model that allows a theoretical study of the effect of thermal mass associating with the non-linear coupling between the airflow rate and the indoor air temperature.The thermal mass numbe
Yam J., Li Y.
Nowadays the awareness concerning the environmental pollution and the demand of transparent facades in architecture, lead research in finding new solutions to increase the energy performances of the building and the installations as well.
F. Di Maio and A.H.C. van Paassen
The applicability of natural ventilation depends strongly on climate. The potential of natural ventilation represents a measure of the feasibility of natural ventilation in a specific climate.
Ghiaus C., Allard F.
In moderate climates, one promising feature to reduce the energy demand of office buildings for air conditioning without reducing comfort is passive cooling by night ventilation.
Herkel S., Pfafferott J., Wambsganß M.
This paper describes current work to undertake a market assessment of the potential for the application of Passive Downdraft Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) to new and existing buildings in Southern Europe.
Ford B., Cairns K.
