
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

The Ventilation Modelling Data Guide of the AIVC replaces the old Technical Note 44 (1994) which was mainly focused on leakage and wind pressure data presented in tables. The new approach is an interactive database available on CD-Rom.
Orme M., Leksmono N.
It is well known that iterative solution processes can lead to divergence when dealing with coupled airflow and thermal analyses for buildings ventilated either naturally or by a mixed-mode system.
Yuguo Li
The research described in this paper is part of a project aimed at improving energy costs and the indoor environment of atrium buildings.
James T. Reardon, Morad R. Atif, Chia-yu Shaw
Ventilation is one of the most important measures to dilute indoor air pollutants.
Hiroshi Yoshino, Joonghoon Lee ,Jun Wada
The use of ceiling mounted circulating fans to provide air movement for cooling in industrial premises and animal houses is particularly essential in warm, humid climates.
Aynsley R.
Buildings are aired to evacuate indoor pollutants, in particular those produced by the occupants. CO2 is a good indicator of occupancy, as long as there is no other significant source. This is the case in most buildings.
Roulet C.A., Foradini F.
In the following, measurements of CO2 levels in seven classrooms in four schools are reported. Measurements were taken for approximately one week in each classroom during the heating season and the time-varying ventilation rates estimated.
Coley D.A. ,Beisteiner A.
Experimental investigations and CFD simulations were carried out to evaluate the performance of square and circular section wind - driven systems for natural ventilation application in buildings.
Elmualim A.A., Awbi H.B.
Calculations using CFD are presented for adventitious openings in which the flow is not fully developed. It is shown that the quadratic equation performs significantly better than the power law i.e.
Chiu Y.H., Etheridge D.W.
This paper presents an overview of systems that utilise thermal mass in conjunction with night ventilation.
Barnard N., Maunsell F.
In the design of natural ventilation systems, there is a wide range of possibilities with regard to the selection of window type and the positioning of windows in the facade.
Heiselberg P., Bjørn E., Nielsen P.V.
This paper describes the development of a simplified tool which should be used at the early design stage for predicting air ventilation rates in a building.
Fracastoro J.V., Perino M.
The basic mechanism for natural ventilation in a building involves air flowing through purpose-made ventilator openings.
Chilengwe N., Sharples S.
The effectiveness of a ventilation system in terms of the age of air and its ability to remove contaminants will be significantly affected if part of the exhaust air is recirculated.
Simons M.W., Waters J.R.
This paper reports the results of computer simulations of a hybrid-ventilated building using ESP-r (Environmental Systems Performance for research). A new school building in Norway was used for this simulation study.
Jeong Y. , Haghighat F.
This paper reports the results of a study to test two novel procedures to model dynamic thermal conditions of an enclosure within Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
Somarathne S., Seymourd M, Kolokotroni M.
Using the wind pressure difference method to estimate the cross ventilation potentials of a building at a particular site, the appropriate wind frequency data at the building site are important (Aynsley et al, 1977, Su, 2001).
Aynsley R., Su B.
Acoustics research is thriving and allowed significant progress in the improvement of living conditions.However, a gap has been noted between research and practical applications in situ.
J. J. Delétré
During the design process of heating systems, the designer must analyse various factors in order to determine the best design options.
Matjaz Prek
The effect of the synoptic scale atmospheric circulation on the urban heat island phenomenon over Athens, Greece, was investigated and quantified for a period of two years, using a neural network approach.
G. Mihalakakou, H.A. Flocas and M. Santamouris
