
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The main purpose of the present study is to define places in the major Athens area where the heat island effect occurs. Several important climatic parameters are examined in combination with the application of various statistical tests.
I. Livada, M. Santamouris, K. Niachou, N. Papanikolaou, and G. Mihalakakou
The paper describes the comfort analysis based on simulation tools, microclimaticmeasurements and people response to interview.The results confirm a discrepancy between quantitative evaluation and sensatioin vote, butlowe then one reported by othe
G. Scudo, A. Rogora, V. Dessì
Since the wall insulation of buildings and the quality of glazing improve more and more, the window frame becomes the weak point in the facade from a thermal perspective. This paper discusses a new frameless window construction.
Leo Wijnands, Aart Schuur, and Marinus van der Voorden
Experimental and analytical assessment of three types of spacer bars used in making insulated glass (IG) units were performed and reported earlier, Elmahdy et al (1993).
A. H. Elmahdy
The potential of controlling techniques for an electrochromic device is investigated in a systematic way, using both experimental and theoretical tools.
M.N.Assimakopoulos, A. Tsangrassoulis, G. Guarracino, M.Santamouris
Energy performance standardisation evaluates all measures at the building and building services level that improve energy efficiency. Thermostatic valves are one of the choices, which are considered.
H. Hens, F. Ali Mohamed, G. Verbeeck
The building system provides a solar energy passive contribution into a bio-climatic assembly. The heat carrier is the air. The solar radiation thermal conversion is made through the greenhouse effect.
Nicolae Petrasincu
External shading systems, window systems and light control systems try to reach the indoor comfort and energy saving by approaches, that are different in complexity, costs and results; besides a good coordination among them could produce better pe
F. Gugliermetti, F. Bisegna
Actually and in the near future, due to the necessity of refrigeration, the need of thermal energy dissipation systems will be increased. One of the best element, is the cooling tower, but it has one mean inconvenient, what is the use of a fan.
J. Mª Galán, A. Viedma, M. Lucas, P. Martínez and M. Gemelli
Evidence suggests that a significant number of large highly-glazed spaces have major design flaws that lead to energy wastage and discomfort.
M. Humbert, F. R. Carrié
A review of the solar water heating equations in the BRE Domestic Energy Model was carried out using data from a recent monitoring project. The savings predicted by the model did not match the test data well, so improved equations were devised.
J H Henderson
Active and passive solar strategies, together with measures of energy conservation and integration of new materials and technologies, can bring a meaningful energy saving in buildings.
I. Meroni, C. Pollastro, R. Lollini and A. De Salvia
The current paper presents the first outcome of a study dealing with thermal quality of buildings in a context of rationalized energy spending.
M.E. Hobaica, F. Allard, R. Belarbi and L. Rosales
In the scope of the Belgian “Active Façades” project, a full-scale testing of active façades has been realized in outdoor test cells.
G. Flamant, X. Loncour, P. Wouters
Radiative cooling systems by means of nocturnal longwave radiation have captured the attention of today’s specialists involved in the construction building process.
D. Aelenei, C. Da Piedade and M. Rodrigues
The White Paper on renewable Energy proposes market measures for fair access to the electricitymarket, fiscal and financing measures, a bio-energy initiative and improved building regulations.
P. Doukas, M.Santamouris
Preliminary experiments with a novel glazing system developed at the Desert Architecture and Urban Planning Unit of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev indicated that it may provide improved visual and thermal performance in buildings with large gl
E. Erell, Y. Etzion, N. Carlstrom, M. Sandberg, J. Molina, I. Maestre, E. Maldonado, V. Leal, O. Gutschker
The integration of renewable energy systems, mainly active solar ones, in buildings has been an aim of intense research over the last thirty years.
A.M.Papadopoulos, S.Oxizidis, A.Avgelis
Information in the UK Climate Change Programme suggests that carbon savings in the domestic sector from end-use efficiency improvements could amount to some 4.7MtC/yr in 2010, based on allowances for improvements to the building regulations, resid
L D Shorrock and J I Utley
