
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper is divided into tree main sections, ‘Introduction to natural ventilation’, ‘Examples, strategies and results’ and ‘Energy consumption’.
Hagelskjaer S.
The natural ventilation potential (NVP) is the possibility, or probability, to ensure anacceptable indoor air quality by natural ventilation only.
Germano M., Roulet C.A., Allard F., Ghiaus C.
This paper describes work currently being carried out to evaluate the environmental impact and energy savings potential from the application of passive ventilation cooling in urban buildings.
Kolokotroni M., Watkins R., Santamouris M., Niachou K., Allard F., Belarbi R., Ghiaus C., Alvarez S., Salmeron-Lissen J.M.
Within the program "Solar Optimized Buildings" which is funded by the German Ministry of Economy (BMWi), a building for the DB Netz AG has been realized and monitored.
Wagner A., Wambsganß M., Gropp T., Schindler H.
Purpose of this study is establishment of energy efficient natural ventilation system for Japanese conventional wooden single-family house, by using humidity-controlled extract units (code name: GHN).To evaluate the effect on energy performance an
Fukushima A., Murata S., Kitadani Y., Jardinier M., Hirt J.F., Honma Y.
Through the analysis of the main international environmental performance rating systems (BREEAM, LEED and GBTool) this work aims to show international design tendencies concerning sustainable building equipment requirements and to provide to desig
Filippi M., Serra V., Maga C.
Through the analysis of the main international environmental performance rating systems (BREEAM, LEED and GBTool) this work aims to show international design tendencies concerning sustainable building equipment requirements and to provide to desig
Filippi M., Serra V., Maga C.
The present work is part of a research effort aimed at integrating a detailed model of airflow in large spaces with an algebraic multizone infiltration model to describe pollutant transport and coupled air flows within and between complex building
Mora L., Gadgil AJ, Wurtz E., Inard C.
Ventilation determines the indoor air quality and has a profound effect on the energy consumption and thermal (summer) comfort of buildings.
Breesch H., Janssens A.
In the Mediterranean countries, where the active solutions of air-conditioning must be avoided, natural ventilation allows improvement of indoor comfort which is generally critical in hot season, and reduction of building cooling loads.A three-dim
Gharbi L., Ghrab N., Moussa M.
A simplified tool, called ConsoClim, has been developed for estimating energy consumption of air conditioned buildings and for comparing HVAC and building solutions. Its main aim is to be used at the early stage of the design process.
Alessandrini J.M., Bolher A., Fleury E., Millet J-R.
Studies on buildings’ airtightness have shown that several issues can arise from uncontrolled airflow leakages in buildings (e.g., higher energy cost, thermal comfort and health of occupants, building components and equipment preservation).
Litvak A., Boulanger X., Beltzer P.
TRNSYS’ thermal building model, type 56, requires air flows between zones as input values. However, in natural ventilation systems these depend on the wind pressures and the inside and outside temperatures.
Weber A., Koschenz M., Holst S , Hiller M , Welfonder T
The Energy Conservation in Building and Community Systems program of the International Energy Agency has set up a research working group (Annex 40) on Commissioning of Building HVAC Systems for Improved Energy Performance.
Visier J.C.
The European Community SAVE Directive 76/93, makes mandatory, among other things, for member states to implement an action called Energy Labelling of buildings.
Velázquez R., Coronel J.F., Pérez-Lombard L., Velázquez D., González R.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the technical and financial impact of the ENV 12097 requirements and to compare them with the “state of the art” in France.
Feldmann C., Ibarcq P., Barbat P., Milliery G.
The aim of this document is to outline and summarize the principles to be followed when the aim isto produce and to install a clean air handling system.
Kukkonen E., Seppänen O., Pasanen P., Kolari S.
In June 2001 ASHRAE's Standard Project Committee on "Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings", SPC 62.2P, recommended and the Board of Directors approved ASHRAE's second complete standard on residential vent
Sherman M.H.
Energy Performance (EP) standardisation and regulation is by a growing number of countriesconsidered as an attractive approach for achieving a more energy efficient built environment.Several countries have already enacted such EP based regulation
Wouters P., Vandaele L., Van Orshoven D., Porrez J.
The working group WG4 of ISO TC 205 aims to define Indoor Air Quality criteria.
Tissot A., Bernard A.M.
