
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This study included the IAQ survey concentrated on particle levels in the library store (area of 1000 m 2 and having books or journals over 100 000 pieces in total) at the basement.
Halonen R., Korhonen E., Keskikuru T., Liisa K., Reiman M., Kokotti H.
The main objective of our study was to know more about indoor air quality in offices building over a long period. Our study has been carried out in one building located downtown Lyon (France).
Ginestet A., Henninot M., Pugnet D.
This theoretical paper studies of the interaction between air curtains system and purging dilution systems in a real urban underground railway station in order to find the best design to reduce concentration of polluting gas toward adjoining envir
Gugliermetti F., Santarpia L. , Zori G.
Based on the experimental results and predictions of a numerical model, the effects of uncertainty in estimation of imperfection of the interface on moisture transport were studied in the present study.
Qiu X., Haghighat F., Kumaran K.
This study investigates the behavior of vapor in a ventilated room in which vapor is being produced.
Aizawa Y., Liu J., Yoshino H.
The main goal of the present study was to determine thermal comfort parameters for dwellers of low-cost houses for a given set of indoor environmental conditions.
Krüger E., Espíndola R.
The aim of this paper is to explain the results of a research project run in Yildiz Technical University which focuses on the optimum building envelope design for visual, thermal and acoustical comfort conditions in the offices placed in Istanbul
Ünver R., Gedik G. Z., Akdag N. Y., Öztürk L. D., Karabiber Z.
The indoor environmental quality of a building is intended as the thermal, visual, acoustic and indoor air quality performances as a whole, which provide health and comfort for occupants.
Aghemo C., Astolfi A., Pezzana S.
The construction of dwellings for people with low incomes in developing countries encompasses a broad range of issues starting from the choice of the building site, to the construction phase and finally to the evaluation of the building itself.
Krüger E., Dumke E., Michaloski A.
A research project is designed to evaluate different aspects affecting human comfort in an architectural space. One of the basic parts of the research project is the evaluation of the auditory, visual and thermal comfort.
GedikG.Z., Ünver R., Karabiber Z.
In the introduction of the paper are reasons presented, which cause local thermal discomfort. Currently the reasons of asymmetric thermal radiation are not clearly explained.
Budiakova M.
A field survey on thermal comfort in Algeria has never been previously attempted, and for this reason the present study was conducted. The present paper will present a field study of thermal comfort in Algeria.
Belayat E.K., Nicol J.F., Wilson M.
In this work a methodology for indoor environmental quality assessment was applied, based on thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort indices and on their analysis and spatial representation.Object of the study was one secondary school classroom of t
Corrado V., Astolfi A.
About 100 office buildings in the Flanders and Brussels regions have been subject to a surveyof energy aspects and indoor climate parameters.
Vandaele L., Porrez J., Wouters P., Cobbaert B., De Groote W, Bossaer A.
The quality of indoor environment in dwellings is provided by physical properties of building constructions and by operation of HVAC-systems.
Petrás D.
Measurements of wind speed and wind direction, air temperature inside and outside an urbancanyon also infrared radiation in buildings have been measured on summer 2001 in Athens, in fivedifferent urban canyons, in the frame of Urbvent project.
Georgakis Ch., Santamouris M.
Noise measurements were made at 10 locations in ‘canyon’ streets in Athens with aspect ratio (height/width) varying from 3:1 to 1:1.
Nicol F., Wilson M., Shelton J.
An energy balance over an urban area and over a rural one, reveals that the first case is always more complex than the last one. The urban context is able to change all the energy transferences mainly due to its own layout.
Sánchez F., Alvarez F.
The present paper aims to present a distant learning educational module that concerns the energy efficient integrated building design in the urban environment.
Geros V., Santamouris M., Amourgis S., Medved S., Milford E., Steemers K.
This paper describes a modular facade system, which supplies the room behind with the necessary amounts of heat, light and fresh air.
Gutschker O., Berger U.
