
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A method was developed to estimate annual air infiltration rates in houses from measured data (building envelope air tightness, wind speeds, indoor and outdoor air temperatures).
Binamu A, Lindberg R
The aim of the BASE study was to collect air quality data for office buildings in the USA, using air flow rates measurements or tracer gas (CO2) methods.
Ludwig J F, Baker B J, McCarthy J F
Samples near a frying pan, grill plate or deep fryer were taken in 10 kitchens in order to determine the composition of aerosol and vapours in the surrouding air. The main components are aerosols and low molecular aldehydes.
Andrejs B, Fauss J, Weigl M, Rietschel P
Measurements were carried out to assess the transfer of outdoor air pollution (CO, SO2, NO, NO2, O3, BTEX, TVOC, fine particles, smoke index) into an unoccupied and empty dwelling in Paris, in winter and summer.
Kirchner S, Laurent A M, Collignan B, Le Moullec Y, Ramalho O, Villenave J G, Flori J P
Several standard multizone modeling programs, in order to improve their computational efficiency, make a number of simplifying assumptions.
Lorenzetti D M
This study is to validate a CFD model of displacement ventilation combined with chilled ceiling and determine if this combination may create draught risk or influence badly indoor air quality.
Jalil L, Taki A H, Loveday D L
Airflow patterns, temperature and indoor air quality (ventialtion efficiency) are modelized in a room with floor heating. Results show that ventilation efficiency depends directly of diffusers layout.
Heng J, Li Y
The study examines the effect of diffuser, buoyancy and surface radiation on flow, in order to better understand the changes in room air flow due to the energy control strategy.
Sun Y, Smith T F
Five different techniques of tracer gas measurement are reviewed in order to determine the total ventilation airflow rate as well as air distribution in the room, on site or in laboratory.
Stymne H, Sandberg M, Boman C A
Detailed testing of multi-zone airflow and ventilation rates in a dwelling were conducted using two different types of tracer gas method and compared with design.
Yoon D W, Sohn J Y, Kim S D, Kim H S
The study presents the influence of three different air diffusion systems and furniture layout on comfort (PMV, PPD) and indoor air quality (ventilation efficiency).
Cheong K W D, Djunaedy E, Tham K W, Sekhar S C, Wong N H, Ullah M B
The study has compared experimental data and numerical simulation of air velocity for a room with jet diffusers to assess comfort conditions in the occupied zone.
Grignaffini S, Vallati A
The Moravian library's atrium in Brno (Czech Republic) is eight stories high. Ventilation is a combination of mechanical supply by nozzles in each gallery and a natural stack effect in the atrium from bottom to top.
Katolichy J, Julinek P, Jicha M
The study characterised the mixing of tracer gas in three ventilation systems with two different airflow rates (totally outdoor air).The test procedure is presented and errors are calculated and compared.
Offermann F J, Robertson J P, Webster T
Design of thermal and air environment for large spaces is often realised with CFD simulations but due to measurement difficulty there are few cases in which results are compared after construction.
Mori T, Konishi T, Ikenaga S, Enai M, Hayama H
CFD simulations and measurements were used in isothermal air-conditioned space of a gymnasium. Different airflow patterns due to different supply air were simulated.
Ma X, Li X, Li D, Dou C
In an environmental lab with a panel of 30 women exposed 4 hours, comfort and health have been detremined both with a used or a new filter present in the ventilation system. All other environmental parameters were kept constant.
Clausen G, Alm O, Fanger P O
A two-years old filter was placed in a ventilation system recirculating the air in an experimental space.
Clausen G, Alm O, Fanger P O
The study monitored two similar ventilation systems with fine filters during a few months, one operating continuously, one only during day time.
Kokotti H, Kujanpää L, Halonen R, Keskikuru T, Reiman M
This study presents a literature review on oil residues on HVAC components. A sampling of oil residues by filter contact method and analysis by infrared spectroscopy method have been developped.
Asikainen V, Björkroth M, Holopainen R, Pasanen P
