
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Passive radon(222Rn) detectors are commonly used for radon surveys. They provide the integrated exposure.
S.Tokonami, M.Yang, T.Sanada, H.Climent and M.Furukawa
Accurate measurements of the radon flux of real building materials in existing houses with normalor contaminated walls and/or the mean emanation rate of soil samples, raw materials or building materials are very important for certain studies relat
G.Just and H.von Philipsborn
The contents of an Experimental Set are presented, providing all necessary implements for novelmethods to collect, concentrate, store and measure radon and radon decay products from harmless und ubiquitous sources of air, liquids and solids.
H. von Philipsborn and R. Geipel
Results of an investigation into factors contributing to elevated indoor radon concentrations insupposedly mitigated homes suggest that, in areas of extensive karst geological development,fluctuations in indoor radon concentrations may be extraord
Jack R. Hughes, Brad Turk, Robby Cardwell, Patsy Brooks, Gene Fisher, Marsha White, Francis Fitzgerald, David Wilson, James O. Bryant, Jr.
The aim of this study was to compare the measured and the calculated concentrations of indoorradon caused by building materials at 23 workplaces.
Pirjo Korhonen, Raimo Halonen, Pentti Kalliokoski and Helmi Kokotti
In the study, the factors affecting concentrations of radon vertically lines were surveyed in twolarge office buildings.
Raimo Halonen, Pirjo Korhonen, Pentti Kalliokoski and Helmi Kokotti
Radon concentration in a crawl space remained at the same level during autumn ( 756 Bq m-3 ) and inwinter ( 767 Bq m-3 ) because both air exchange rate and negative pressure (measured across thefoundation wall) increased after a installation of a
Dependence of radon concentration on pressure difference in a crawl-space
The Austrian Standard ÖNORM S 5200, prepared in the early nineties after a prestandard phase (Steger F.) and in use in Austria since 1996, provides the criteria to assess the radiation dose of building materials.
F. Steger and K. Grün
A radon Test-House was realised and equipped with an Active Sub-Slab Depressurization (ASD)system to test and quantify its performance as a radon remediation measure. As active element, acentrifugal fan of power 136 W was used.
M.C. Akis , H. Stadtmann , P. Kindl , F. Steger
A test-house was realised and equipped with an Active Sub-Slab Depressurization (ASD) systemwith two suction branches. As the active element, a centrifugal fan of power 136 W was used.
M.C. Akis, H. Stadtmann , P. Kindl , F. Steger
Soil radon concentrations together with climatic and seismic data were continuously observed in theKanto area (Japan). During fall 1998, several typhoons and earthquakes occurred.
H. Climent, S. Tokonami, M. Furukawa
Various methods to determine ²²²Rn concentration in soil gas were tested at two sites with different soil types in a depth of 1 m.
F. Ruckerbauer, R. Winkler
There is a currently growing interest in the effect of exposure to 222Rn, because it became recognised as an important “pollutant” factor of the environment.
Ildikó Mócsy, György Köteles
Three different methods were used to measure radon concentration in groundwater near Baia Mare andin other places of touristic interest from Maramures, the northest district of Romania.
S. Morcovescu, C. Cosma, J. Ferenczi
Historic low-level radioactive wastes are located in Port Hope, Ontario, Canada.
R. C. Barker, M. J. Gardiner and B.A. McCallum
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommends the use of a singleconversion factor, derived from epidemiological studies of exposure to uranium miners, for thedetermination of the effective dose from inhalation of radon
S.B. Solomon
Two methods for determining the 222Rn diffusion coefficient in building materials are presented.Experimentally, the measurement of radon release rates under well-controlled conditions, using aflush and adsorption technique, underlies both methods.
I.Cozmuta, E.R.van der Graaf
The use of two mapping methods, kriging and moving average, in mapping the indoor radon risk, isinvestigated.
François Tondeur, Antoine Kies, André Robinet, Huichao Zhu
Measurements of indoor radon (222Rn) concentrations were carried out by using LR-115 II solid statenuclear track detectors (SSNTD).
H. Papaefthymiou, A. Mauroudis, P. Kritidis
In 1986 The State of New Jersey embarked on a program that would enable the characterization ofthe State's indoor radon problem.
Ronald F. Simon, Deborah Fisher
