
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of different ventilation strategies for a house and fora subfloor void to reduce the radon concentration level of the indoor air.A steady-state analytical ventilation model is derived to estimate
B. Collignan - J.R. Millet
In Hungary and Slovenia a lot of thermal water occurrences providing mineral water for spas are used for curative therapeutic purposes in cases of locomotor and gastrointestinal diseases.
P.Szerbin, J.Vaupotic, Gy.Köteles, I.Csige, I.Kobal and I.Hunyadi, Frédéric Joliot-Curie
After more than 35 years operation the uranium mining and milling facilities near Pécs city in Hungary were finally shut down in 1997.
László Juhász, Pável Szerbin, Zsuzsa Lendvai, Mihály Csövári, István Benkovics, András Várhegyi, Béla Kanyár, B., Zoltán Várkonyi
A survey has been made of the radiation exposure of inhabitants in a small new housing estate in theNetherlands, where 101 houses are built at about the same time, but according to nine differentdesigns.
P. de Jong and W. van Dijk
In Kinsarvik, Norway, extraordinary high radon levels in dwelling units are revealed. The bedrock geology was expected to give the answer to why the levels are so high. However, the uranium or radium content is not especially high123.
V.Valen, O.Soldal, T.Strand, C.L.Jensen. And A.V.Sundal
The effect of indoor gamma dose rate, permeability of soil, substructure, and ventilation habits of inhabitants were studied using data of 84 low rise residential houses collected in an area of enhanced indoor radon concentration.
Ilona Mäkeläinen, Hannu Arvela, Anne Voutilainen
Several kinds of studies have been carried out concerning building materials.The granitic region can be considered as a significant part of the country.
M.C. Faísca and M.M.R. Teixeira
One could say that the Spanish Radon Program began in 1988 with the development of a nationalsurvey on indoor radon in Spanish houses.
L.S. Quindós, P.L. Fernàndez, J. Gómez, C. Ródenas, J.L. Butrageño, J.L.Martin, M.J. Muñoz
A simple intercomparison of natural radioactivity and radon emanation factor measurementscoordinated by the Medical Physics Department of the University of Cantabria UC, Spain, has beencarried out during 1998 in the framework of the EU Concerted A
L.S. Quindós, P.L. Fernàndez, J. Gómez, P. Jovanovic†, H. Arvela, K. Verterbacka
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and The Council of the European Union has recommended the Member States to take action against radon in homes and at workplaces.
About two hundred volume traps were retrieved from dwellings in various radon prone areas inEurope. They were analysed for the purpose of retrospective radon assessment.
Field experience with volume traps for assessing retrospective radon exposures
The purpose of this contribution is to situate the radon issue within the whole field of radiationprotection.
H. Vanmarcke and J. Paridaens
A convenient, low-cost, time-integrating monitor based on the track-etching technique wasdeveloped for measuring the deposition rate of attached 220Rn progeny indoors.
Weihai Zhuo and Takao Iida
A nation-wide survey of radon concentrations in Norwegian dwellings was undertaken in the period 1987 - 89.
T.Strand, A.Heiberg and G.Thommesen
A first review of the numerous data on the areas in Italy where high radon concentration in dwellingshave been found is presented here.
F. Bochicchio , S. Bucci , M. Bonomi , G. Cherubini , C. Giovani , M. Magnoni , l. Minach ,P. Sabatini
The National Survey on Radon Indoors was designed to estimate the distribution of annual radonconcentration in Italian dwellings, on the basis of a representative sample of about 5000 dwellings.
F. Bochicchio , G.Campos Venuti , S.Piermattei , G.Torri , C.Nuccetelli , S.Risica L.Tommasino
Many retrospective studies regarding the long time exposure to radon (222Rn) are based on theaccumulation of 210Pb (T1/2=22.3y) on the surface of glass objects or other materials and measuring thespecific alpha activity of 210Po (T1/2=138 d, E?=5.
C. Cosma and I. Chereji
^ Department of Experimental Physics, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, IrelandCase-control studies on lung cancer and radon in dwellings have been conducted in North Americaand Europe, including one study in Lazio region, in Central Italy.
F. Bochicchio, J.P. McLaughlin, C. Walsh
According to the recommendations of the ICRP and the German Commission on RadiologicalProtection, areas should be identified where increased radon concentrations in buildings occur morefrequently than on the country-wide average.
R. Lehmann , J. Kemski, A. Siehl, R. Stegemann
The Megalopolis lignite field basin in southern Greece, with Megalopolis-A and B lignite-firedpower plants in operation (total 900 MW), has been repeatedly investigated during the past 25years by the Nuclear Engineering Section of the National Tec
P.K.Rouni, N.P.Petropoulos, M.J.Anagnostakis, E.P.Hinis and S.E.Simopoulos
