
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Mapping the geogenic radon potential in Germany is a research project initiated by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Conservation and Reactor Safety.
J. Kemski, A. Siehl, R. Stegemann, M. Valdivia-Manchego
Indoor radon concentrations were determined with the use of track-etched detectors and two monitors,both for radon and one for the decay products, in various regions of Greece. Until now, 1137 dwellings have been measured.
A. Louizi, D. Nikolopoulos, H. Lobotessi and C. Proukakis
A large-scale radon survey has been carried out from 1995 to 1998 in southern Greece, in order toestimate the radon concentration in Greek dwellings and the exposure of the Greek population toradon. The design was administratively orientated.
D. Nikolopoulos, A. Louizi, V. Koukouliou, H. Lobotessi, C. Proukakis
Coals mined in some regions of the Transdanubian Middle Mountains in Hungary have elevatedconcentrations of 226Ra. The slags and ashes derived from these coals have been used as buildingmaterial for schools and kindergartens.
The object of this study is to measure radon concentrations, both in the soil and buildings of the JRCIspra, in order to compile a radon map indicating areas with low, medium and high concentrations.The monitoring is being performed following the
S. Verdelocco, D. Walker, P. Turkowsky, and C. Osimani
Cluj Napoca City is the most important city from northwestern part of Romania, having about 350,000inhabitants.
C. Cosma1 D. Ristoiu1, A. Poffijn
High radon concentration in work and living places are caused by a high geological radon potentialof the soil , by technological processes, the use of building materials with high uranium, thoriumand radium content and the building construction.
T. Streil
In order to characterise the behaviour of radon decay products under domestic conditions, long-termmeasurements were carried out from May 1997 to April 1998 in a typical dwelling located in Brittany(France).
C. Huet1, G. Tymen and D. Boulaud
The aim of this study is to develop a new technique for reducing high radon level in indoor air bymethod of membrane permeation using a hollow fiber module.
Takao IIDA, Takayuki KATO and Hiroki MOCHIZUKI
The radium distribution of the soil is one important parameter governing radon emanation.
Cecilia Edsfeldt
Different aspects of the geogenic radon potential in a coal mining area in south-western Germany arediscussed.
R. Klingel , J. Kemski
The use of contemporary radon (222Rn) gas concentrations to estimate retrospective radon-relateddoses can introduce substantial uncertainties in epidemiological analyses.
Daniel J. Steck and R. William Field
Exposure to high concentrations of radon (222Rn) progeny produces lung cancer in both undergroundminers and experimentally exposed laboratory animals.
R. William Field1, Daniel J. Steck2, Brian J. Smith1, Christine P. Brus1, Eileen F. Fisher1, John S.
The results of field investigations of natural radiation exposures of the general populations in twostable rural communities in Yugoslavia are presented.
Z.S. Zunic, J.P. McLaughlin, C. Walsh, A. Birovljev, S.E. Simopoulos, B. Jakupi, V. Gordanic, M. Demajo, F. Trotti, R. Falk, H. Vanmarcke, J. Paridaens and K. Fujimoto
Ventilation systems are known to influence radon concentrations indoors considerably.
A.Birovljev, T.Strand and A.Heiberg
The first Norwegian study of historic radon concentrations in 17 dwellings in the high radon areas inNorway has been conducted as part of an international field intercomparison during 1998.
Aleksandar Birovljev1, Rolf Falk2 Ciara Walsh, Francesca Bissolo, Flavio Trotti, James P. McLaughlin , Johan Paridaens, Hans Vanmarcke5 and Anikken Heiberg
This paper presents the experimental results of utilizing a flexible thin-film membrane as a passivebarrier to radon gas diffusion.
W. Z. Daoud and K. J. Renken
This paper presents the experimental results of utilizing Electro-Osmotic Pulsing Technology toreduce the diffusion of radon soil gas through a concrete slab.
Y. S. Nam and K. J. Renken
CRR, the Regional Center for Radioactivity, is monitoring Veneto, a region in the north-east of Italy, to trace a map of areas with elevated indoor radon levels.
F. Trotti, A. Tanferi, F.Bissolo, R. Fustegato, M. Lanciai, P. Mozzo, F. Predicatori, P.Querini, F. Righetti, A. Tacconi
The effect on fertility of chronic exposure of female Wistar rats in “Avram Iancu” uranium mine to high Radon-222 and Radon-222 progeny concentrations in air was investigated.
Stela Râmboiu , E. Bordas Adriana Olinic
