
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper presents a history of the development of a formalized training and technology transferprogram for radon testers and mitigators in the United States.
D. M. Fisher, A. Appleby, R. F. Simon, E. Christman
First, models (room models) published in the international literature allowing the exposure togamma radiation indoors due to building materials to be assessed are reviewed and discussed.
S. Risica, C. Bolzan, and C. Nuccetelli
Within the Belgian Radon Programme the Belgian Building Research Institute is responsible for theinvestigation of techniques for prevention and mitigation of radon problems in dwellings.
A.Bossaer, C.Delmotte, P.Voordecker, B.Ingelaere, L.Calberg and P.Wouters
A soil gas measurement method developed earlier [1] was applied to boreholes drilled to belowfoundation depth. Radon concentration and permeability were measured at 50 cm intervals.
H.U. Johner and H. Surbeck
It is estimated that more than 5000 householders in the UK have taken steps to reduce high radonlevels in their homes.
CB Howarth
A data set of long-term radon measurements in about 2200 houses in southern Belgium has been collectedin an on-going national Rn survey. The spatial variation of indoor Rn concentrations is modelled byvariograms.
H.C. Zhu , J.M. Charlet and A.Poffijn
The relation between an increased risk for lung cancer and exposure to indoor radon is assessed inepidemiological studies. Both the quality and reliability of smoking data and the radon exposuredata are of primary importance.
R. Falk, K. Almrén and I. Östergren
For over ten years STUK (The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland) has performedsystematic indoor radon mapping with municipal health authorities.
Anne Voutilainen and Ilona Mäkeläinen
In 1995 and 1996 radon concentrations and effective air flows were measured in about 1500 Dutchdwellings built between 1985 and 1993.
Johan Lembrechts, Martien Janssen and Paul Stoop
The very high indoor radon concentrations found in the western part of Switzerland in the early80th were at the origin of an extended research programme between 1987 and 1991.
G. Piller, G.A. Roserens and W. Zeller
Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) is the regulatory and competent authority on radiation protection matters.
V.Koukouliou, E.Karinou and P.Dimitriou
Radon, radon progeny and unattached radon progeny were measured in two chambers with differentcharacteristics at the Jenolan Caves, New South Wales, Australia, in 1996.
W. Zahorowski, S. Whittlestone, J. James and S. Solomon
Numerical modelling is a powerful tool for studies of soil gas and radon-222 entry into houses. It isthe purpose of this paper to review some main techniques and results.
Claus E. Andersen
In Denmark, a new survey of indoor radon-222 has been carried out. One-year alpha trackmeasurements (CR-39) have been done in 3019 single-family houses. There is from 3 to 23 housemeasurements in each of the 275 municipalities.
Claus E. Andersen , Kaare Ulbak, Anders Damkjær, Peter Kirkegaard, Peter Gravesen
Radon surveys started in Estonia in 1989. The Department Building Physics at the Estonian BuildingResearch Institute measured radon levels in dwellings, in building materials produced in the country,and in the soil.
L. Pahapill, G.Åkerblom
An Austrian farmhouse has been mitigated; it was built around the turn of the century in theconventional farmhouse style of that time.
H. Lettner, R. Rolle, R. Winkler, F. Steinhäusler
Basic considerations1. Legal base fixing the limiting value for radon in residential and recreational premises.(Radiological Protection Ordinance of 22 June 1994)2.
G.-A.Roserens, G.Piller and M.Jungck
Questions have been raised about the economic implications of the regulations governing radon gas level identification and remediation in buildings.
Christine A. Kennedy1, Alastair M. Gray1
To clarify the mechanism of radon transport from soil to surface, long term continuous measurementsof radon exhalation were conducted at one site in combination with measurements of radon concentration in soil gas, soil temperature, pressure diffe
H.Kojima and K.Nagano
The evaluation of the geogenic radon potential is based on field measurements of radon activity concentration in soil gas.
M.Valdivia-Manchego, R.Stegemann, S.Leonardi, K.Lehmann and A.Siehl
