
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Radon-reduction in private and public buildings is a current issue. Research has opened our eyes for the enormous fluctuation of the indoor radon level over longer observation periods.
A study was made of radon-safe building in 300 Finnish low-rise residential buildings using data obtainedfrom a questionnaire study.
H. Arvela
High radon concentrations indoors usually depend on the possibilities of radon penetration from thesurrounding soil into the buildings. Radon concentrations in dwellings up to 100 kBq/m were found insome special regions (i.e.
G. Keller, B. Hoffmann and T. Feigenspan
From the end of 1996 through March 1999, the spatial and the temporal variability of the soil 222Rnconcentration was investigated at a 20m x 20m test field with porous soil in 0.5 m and 1.0 m depth atnine positions each and at 1m x 1m plots at fou
R. Winkler, F. Ruckerbauer, K. Bunzl
In accordance with the Basic Standards of Radiation Protection issued by EURATOM and the recommendations of the Federal Commission of Radiation Protection (SSK), radon measurements were carried out at 80 of a total of 240 waterworks in the state o
J. Schmitz, R. M. Nickels
Indoor radon concentrations in Athens and neighborhooding areas are relatively low compared withvalues in the northern part of Greece [1,2]. Nevertheless, we have localized a dwelling near Athens(N. Makri), with an elevated radon concentration.
A.Louizi1, D.Nikolopoulos1, A.Geranios2, A.Skouras2, and C.Proukakis
The council directive 96/29 EURATOM laying down the Basic Safety Standards for the protection ofthe health of workers and the general public against ionising radiation might force some Europeanwater supply companies to take technical measures for
Oliver Raff, Heike Funk, Rolf-Dieter Wilken
The study aims at measuring the gamma activity concentration (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) of sub-slabfilling gravel of Finnish houses.
Kaj Vesterbacka and Hannu Arvela
Part 1: Introduction and procedures for reducing health risks from radon.Part 2: Properties of radon and radon daughters - includes a suggested table of radiation sourcesand percentage doses within the EC .Part 3: Health Risk Considerations - summ
The short-lived decay product (Rn-d) of radon gas (222Rn, 220Rn) have been identified as a healthhazard in occupational exposure situations.
F. Steinhäusler
In recent years a number of case-control epidemiological studies have taken place and others are inprogress to evaluate the lung cancer risk to the general population from exposure to radon and itsshort-lived progeny in the indoor residential envi
J.P. Mc Laughlin
Possibilities for harmonising controls on the radioactivity of building materials within the EuropeanUnion are being discussed in the Working Party on Natural Radiation Sources established by theArticle 31 Group of Experts (Euratom Treaty).
M. Markkanen
In situ gamma spectroscopy is widely utilised to determine the outdoor gamma dose rate from the soiland to calculate the natural and artificial radionuclide concentration and their contribution to the doserate.
Cristina Nuccetelli, Chiara Bolzan
The radon concentrations in indoor air and in soil air vary both on short term (daily, weekly) and onlong term (seasonal).
Gilbert Jönssona, Carmen Baixerasb, Lluis Fontb, Diego Albarracinb, Giuseppe Cotellessac, Wolfgang Enged, Klaus Freyere, Rana Ghosed, Michel Monninf, Giuliano Sciocchettic and Hanns- Christian Treutlere
A dwelling in M?traderecske in the Hungarian north-east region was selected to study the radon daughter (RD) behaviour in a family room with natural low ventilation under living conditions.
L.Sajo Bohus, J.Rodriguez, E.Toth, G.Marx and J.Liendo
In the last twenty years the interest of the international scientific community on naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in the environment and industry has been ever growing.
P.De Felice, A.Fazio, G.Grisanti, C.Nuccetelli, S.Risica
Radon goes through four stages from its formation until it reaches a living environment: i) itsgeneration in the source medium, ii) its migration in the source medium, iii) its entry into a dwelling,and iv) its accumulation indoors.
Ll. Font, C. Baixeras, C. Domingo and F. Fernández
The application of a radon model is useful to understand the processes that drive the radon gasbehaviour from its sources to its accumulation indoors.
Ll. Font, C. Baixeras and C. Domingo
A method is developed to measure 222Rn exhalation rate on soil surfaces using an ionizationchamber radon monitor (AlphaGUARD PQ2000, Genitron Instruments GmbH, Frankfurt,Germany) in passive-diffusion mode.We have developed a compartmental model to
I.Csige, J.Hakl, A.Várhegyi, I.Hunyadi
Rad Elec Inc., located in Frederick, MD, USA is the only commercial producer of electret ionchambers (EIC) systems. These are distributed under the brand name of E-PERM, electret-passiveenvironmental radon monitors.
Paul Kotrappa, Ph.D. and Carolyn Allen
