The 20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference, Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings, was held in Edinburgh , Scotland, 9-13 August 1999.

Contains 141 papers

Volume content

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This field study was organised to track differential pressure relationships in critical care units of a metropolitan hospital. Maintaining design pressure balances is essential to control risk of airborne disease transmission within these units.
Streifel A J, Bridges B B, Grimsrud D T, Krafthefer B C
Energy-saving improvements in the thermal properties of buildings often have an adverse effect on indoor air quality, leading to risks of structural deterioration.
Baumann M-L, Amphoux A
This present work has theoretically investigated coupled heat and mass exchangemechanisms in counterflow rotary dehumidifier with the mixed desiccant of LiCl and additives,used in air conditioning systems.
Anisimov S
The HVAC components are usually made of galvanised sheet metal which is covered by a corrosion protection and also lubricant oils are used in machine tools in manufacturing of the components or ducts.
Pasanen A V, Liesivuori J
Describes wind tunnel investigations made with Kr as a tracer.
Dutsuik T, Jablonskiy K, Leonteva U
Based on theoretical and experimental tests it was determined that the thermodynamic balancecondition in the working space of air-handling units (AHUs) of heating, ventilating and aircondltioningsystems (HVAC systems) is entirely defined by the hu
Gvozdkov A N, Bogoslovsky V N
The cabin air filter performance is of prime importance for the air quality in vehicles. New clean filters were tested but also filters loaded with actual traffic contaminants. Both laboratory and field measurements were included in the study.
Johansson J, Jansson A, Olander L
This report describe the thermal performance and air distribution of a Kumamoto prefecturalindoor sports ground in Japan.
Sakai K, Ishihara O, Nagano S
Airborne fungi in indoor air has the possibility to cause the air pollution problems of the fungally infection syndrome and the allergy syndrome, etc. in residence environments.
Moriya Y, Miyaji T, Yamayoshi T
The role of indoor plants as a source of microorganisms was studied in six office rooms.Concentrations of microorganisms (both fungi and actinomycetes) were determined fromindoor air and settled dust before the plants were placed in the office roo
Rautiala S, Haatainen S, Kallunki H, Kujanpaa L, Laitenen S, Miihkinen A, Reiman M, Seuri M
Many HVAC systems built in the time between 1960 and 1980 have now reached the end oftheir lifetime and require retrofitting.
Zeidler O, Fitzner K
In apartments of Korea, exhaust-only hood system is commonly installed for kitchen ventilation.
Roh J W, Kim J T
This paper presents ozone removal efficiencies, measured over an extended period of time, inthree different settings: a test plenum, an air handler providing outdoor air to a Class 100cleanroom, and a plenum downstream of an air handler providing
Shields H C, Weschler C J, Naik D
The aim of this study is to illustrate the importance of the effects of wind turbulence on airchange in buildings.
Girault P, Spennato B
A number of studies have shown that approximately 1 in 10 hospital in-patients will acquire a nosocomial infection (NI) '*).These infections are associated with significant mortality rates, and have a large economic impact on health care systems.
Beggs C B, Sleigh P A, Donnelly J K, Kerr K G, Mara D D
The need to separate impurities from air or other gases has increased as regards both the degree of separation and the necessity to separate finer particles.
Gustavsson J
Measurements of ventilation rates and indoor climate parameters were carried out in fiveEstonian residential buildings.
Ekberg L E, Kraenzmer M, Nommeots P
The paper presents the results of the tests of two-zone airflow pattern forming in a room with displacement ventilation where various heat sources and various airflow rates were tested.
Trzeciakiewicz Z, Popiolek Z, Mierzwinski S
Photocatalytic degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOC) with short-wavelength UVlight (254 nm) is an attractive technique in the view of perfect mineralization to CO2.
Sekiguchi K, Ishitani O, Sakamoto K
Snow has already been used effectively as a cold energy resource in some heavy snowfall areasin Japan.
Iijima K, Kobiyama M, Hanaoka Y, Kawamura M, Toda H
