The 20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference, Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings, was held in Edinburgh , Scotland, 9-13 August 1999.

Contains 141 papers

Volume content

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To evaluate the performance of a ventilation system, the local mean age of air has usually been used to estimate how efficiently fresh air is diffused to a desired location.
Peng S-H, Davidson L
Few detailed comparisons of modeled ad measured pollutant concentrations in multizonebuildings have been published.
Sextro R G, Daisey J M, Feustel H E, Dickerhoff D J, Jump C
An efficient ventilation system is characterised by a well-organised and turbulence-controlled airstream that rapidly corrects disturbances in air quality and thermal comfort in the ventilated space.Air supply and exhaust conditions are investigat
Holmberg S, Hokkanen J, Jarmyr R, Danielsson P O, Bartec L, Holmer I, Nilsson H
Based on concerns about indoor air quality and trends towards tighter envelope construction,there has been increasing interest in mechanical ventilation of residential buildings in the UnitedStates.
Persily A K
The ventilation engineer's plan at the design stage could be influenced by many factors. It may also be different from the requirements for the final users of the spaces.
Lee H, Awbi H B
New thermodynamic energy "water potential" based on the chemical potential of a component of mixture gases is defined as the driving force of gaseous phase water flux.
Ozaki A
Scale model experiments give possibilities for analyses of the design conceptions of ventilation especially of air distribution in large enclosures.
Hurnik M, Mierzwinski S, Popiolek Z
In this paper, a zonal model used to predict the air movement, temperature distribution and airquality in a room is presented.
Musy M, Wurtz E, Nataf J-M
There is a growing demand for buildings to have a high indoor air quality environment. Twoof the main elements that contribute to this quality are temperature and air distribution withinthe occupied space.
Tinker J A, Al-Garny A M
During the experiments and under the experimental conditions, displacement ventilation with air outlets close to floor level were found to produce the lowest concentrations of hazardous substances and aerosols in the working areas of kitchen appli
Andrejs B, Neumann P, Huber J, Schmeja B
The study was to test five units used in single house mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery.
Bernard A M, Lemaire M-C, Spennato B, Barles P
Temperature and relative humidity have been measured in a BRE test house to investigate the vapour content in the void beneath the timber floor. The void can be ventilated naturally or by means of a fan supplying or extracting air.
Hartless R P, Llewellyn J W
An efficient numerical method for solving the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)equations with turbulence models for complex geometry and high Reynolds number flows isused to perform a highly-resolved computation of the turbulent flow in a str
Jovicic N, Milovanovic D, Babic M, Soulis J V
A secondary analysis of the Dutch prevalence study by Zweers et al shows that office buildingswithout artificial cooling and with operable windows have a lower risk for health symptoms andcomfort complaints than office buildings with artificial co
Kurvers S R, Leyten J L, Boerstra A C
House-dust mite antigens are a major contributor to allergic sensitisation. Since temperatureand humidity are crucial to house-dust mite physiology, there is considerable interest inreducing mite populations by controlling the indoor environment.
Crowther D, Oreszczyn T, Baker N, Pretlove S
With increasing demand for acceptable indoor environment it is necessary, already in theconstruction phase, to estimate what effect different environmental factors have on theoccupants.
Nilsson H, Holmer I, Holmberg S
The aim of this research is to apply dynamic Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to predicting the complex turbulent flow field in an air-conditioned room.
He P, Kuwahara R, Mizutani K
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of four kinds of ventilation systems from the point of view of air exchange, indoor air pollution, and space heating load under Japanese conditions by numerical simulation.
Yoshino H, Liu J, Horiuchi M, Sawachi T
Three very different task/ambient conditioning (TAC) systems were investigated in a climate chamber.
Tsuzuki K, Arens E A, Bauman F S, Wyon D P
Until now, there is no widely accepted way to express any index for this purpose and takinginto account the large variety of possible pollutants.
Millet J R, Villenave J G, Feustel H, Yoshino H
