House-dust mite antigens are a major contributor to allergic sensitisation. Since temperatureand humidity are crucial to house-dust mite physiology, there is considerable interest inreducing mite populations by controlling the indoor environment.
20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference - Edinburgh, Scotland - 9-13 September 1999
The 20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference, Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings, was held in Edinburgh , Scotland, 9-13 August 1999.
Contains 141 papers
Volume content
A hygrothermal model for predicting house dust mite response to environmental conditions in dwellings. | 1999 | English
Comparison between indoor environment measured with thermal manikin and computational fluid dynamics calculation. | 1999 | English
With increasing demand for acceptable indoor environment it is necessary, already in theconstruction phase, to estimate what effect different environmental factors have on theoccupants.
A methodology to assess the IAQ performances of ventilation systems in residential buildings. | 1999 | English
Until now, there is no widely accepted way to express any index for this purpose and takinginto account the large variety of possible pollutants.
Numerical study on air-conditioned indoor airflow by dynamic large eddy simulation. | 1999 | English
The aim of this research is to apply dynamic Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to predicting the complex turbulent flow field in an air-conditioned room.
Evaluation of domestic ventilation system performance by COMIS model for Japanese conditions. | 1999 | English
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of four kinds of ventilation systems from the point of view of air exchange, indoor air pollution, and space heating load under Japanese conditions by numerical simulation.
Individual thermal comfort control with desk-mounted task / ambient conditioning (TAC) systems. | 1999 | English
Three very different task/ambient conditioning (TAC) systems were investigated in a climate chamber.
Combined control of natural and forced ventilation using intelligent control algorithms. | 1999 | English
Results are presented from a study of the performance of fuzzy, rule-based algorithms for thecontrol of indoor air quality through combined control of natural and forced ventilationstrategies, whilst simultaneously meeting thermal and visual comfo
Investigation the modelling of the mathematical model of expediency of project decisions of building materials including the human safety the asbestos. The asbestos is most widely used in the production of roof cover-slate.
Recent years have brought the popularity of methods in which neutral networks are applied. They seem of particular importance while dealing with diagnosing, predicting and estimating.
The paper presents results from the numerical modelling of the flow field in an existing ventilated office room.
Particle deposition from turbulent duct flow is modelled and related to particle penetration of a ventilation system for a commercial office building.
Ventilation efficiencies of task/ambient conditioning systems with desk-mounted air supplies. | 1999 | English
In laboratory experiments, we investigated the ability of two task/ambient conditioningsystems with air supplied from desk-mounted air outlets to efficiently ventilate the breathingzone of heated manikins seated at desks.
In the beginning of 1998 the European project, AIRLESS, was started to develop strategies,principles and protocols to improve and control the petiormance of HVAC-systems and itscomponents for the incorporation in codes and guidelines.
Mathematical model of highly efficient air filtration process for nonwoven fabrics manufactured by paper-making method. | 1999 | English
The necessity to provide and maintain high cleanness of air in the rooms of the highestcleanliness classes requires a proper adaptation of selection and designing methods for airfilters.
The effectiveness of ventilation related to the two primary tasks of ventilation, (I) the supply of fresh air, and (ii) removal of contaminants, is investigated.
In order to evaluate the impact on indoor air quality of different installation and ventilation strategies, the modelling of indoor air pollutant transfer has been developed in the CLIM2000 software (thermal and airflow code).
Influence of natural convection on the thermal properties of insulating porous medium with air cavity. | 1999 | English
The influence of natural convection on the thermal properties of insulating porous medium with air cavity is studied.
Thermal and ventilation characteristics in a room with underfloor air-conditioning system. | 1999 | English
It is the objective of the present paper to investigate indoor environmental characteristics ofan office building with an underfloor air conditioning system.
This article briefly describes a research program undertaken by the National Institutes of Health Office of Research Services to investigate ventilation performance of different laboratory configurations, and their affect on the hood.
Influence of air flow patterns in a room on evaporation and humidity distribution around a heated wet cylinder. | 1999 | English
Air flow patterns in rooms can roughly be classified as one of three types: Displacement flow, source flow and mixed flow. Displacement flow in its original meaning is only used in special applications like clean rooms.