The 20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference, Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings, was held in Edinburgh , Scotland, 9-13 August 1999.

Contains 141 papers

Volume content

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In the beginning of 1998 the European project, AIRLESS, was started to develop strategies,principles and protocols to improve and control the petiormance of HVAC-systems and itscomponents for the incorporation in codes and guidelines.
Muller B, Fitzner K, Kuchen V
The necessity to provide and maintain high cleanness of air in the rooms of the highestcleanliness classes requires a proper adaptation of selection and designing methods for airfilters.
Charkowski A
The effectiveness of ventilation related to the two primary tasks of ventilation, (I) the supply of fresh air, and (ii) removal of contaminants, is investigated.
Roos A
In order to evaluate the impact on indoor air quality of different installation and ventilation strategies, the modelling of indoor air pollutant transfer has been developed in the CLIM2000 software (thermal and airflow code).
Parey S
The influence of natural convection on the thermal properties of insulating porous medium with air cavity is studied.
Shankar V, Hagentoft C E
It is the objective of the present paper to investigate indoor environmental characteristics ofan office building with an underfloor air conditioning system.
Han H, Chung K S, Jang K J
Rooms with high windows are likely to have comfort problems caused by cold airdowndraught, which are usually solved by placing heating appliances underneath thewindows.
Ruegg T, Dorer V, Steinemann U
This study aims to introduce a methodology which enables to revise the limit values of overallheat transfer coefficient in accordance with the building form from thermal comfort andenergy conservation point of view.In order to prevent excess heat
Yilmaz Z, Koclar Oral G, Manioglu G
The Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment(NOVEM) is conducting a program for the implementation of Low Temperature Heating (LTH) systems in buildings. The primary goal is to enable the use of Low Talued Energy as a heating source.
Eijdems H H E W, Boerstra A C, Op't Veld P J M
Air change rates, indoor radon and carbon dioxide levels were monitored in a lecture theatre in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Chan G Y, Chao C Y, Lee D C, Chan S W, Lau H
In a cold climate such as of Montreal the air infiltration through the exterior envelope of a house has a significant impact on the heating energy consumption and cost.
Zmeureanu R
The project of CEN Standard from the Ventilation for dwellings group TC156/WG2/AH4 [1]for airflows calculations is being submitted to enquiry.This method can be easily compared to AIVC guides to calculate the ventilation airflow(natural or mechani
Bernard A-M, Lemaire M-C, Barles P
Chinese food is delicious. There are many kinds of cuisine. But the stir-fry, fry and deep-fry produce a large amount of steam and smoke which cause indoor air pollution seriously. So it must be controlled.
Duanmu L, Ao Y, Feng G
The envelope as fictional building element acts as a filter intended to regulate energy andmass flows. The overall performance of the envelope is ascertained by the combined effects ofthe functional components.
Aygun M
Field measurements were made during the heating season to compare IAQ between an air– conditioned building (Building A) and a naturally ventilated building (Building B) situated in the centre of Pyongyang and similar in architectural design, numbe
Kim G Y, Kim Y H, Sim I C
The energy saving practice of stopping ventilation systems at night may reduce the daytimeair quality.
Gunnarsen L, Sakr W, Haghighat F, von Grunau M
The improvement of air quality due to self-restricted air consumption in regions as well as globally appears to have considerable promise.
Bitkolov N
The purpose of this study is to provide a model to facilitate the simulated evaluation of theenergy consumption for different mushroom house and climate set point configurations.Climate management in this application is complex, including control
Martin D P, Loeffen H
Three buildings are investigated to study the indoor air quality and the impact of the outdoorair pollution. These buildings, a swimming pool, a school and a nursery are located in anurban area.
Barbat M, Richalet V, Guarracino G
