The 20th AIVC and Indoor Air 99 Conference, Ventilation and indoor air quality in buildings, was held in Edinburgh , Scotland, 9-13 August 1999.

Contains 141 papers

Volume content

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As a result of the recent resurgence in tuberculosis (TB), there has been renewed interest inengineering controls to reduce the spread of TB and other airborne infectious diseases in highrisk settings.
Miller S L, Xu P, Peccia J, Fabian P, Hernandez M
It is recommended to keep the ventilation filters dry. However there are manyventilating systems that cannot fulfil this requirement all the time.
Frydenlung F, Haugen E, Kristiansen O, Lysne H N, Ahlen C, Hanssen S O
This paper describes a numerical method for the determination of the effective depth of fresh air distribution in rooms with single-sided natural ventilation. The numerical method involves predicting air flow and the local mean age of air.
Gan G
Indoor air quality is decreasing year by year. It is very necessary to find a kind of efficient cleaner to improve the indoor air quality. Two kinds of cleaners were tested. Both of them were made in China. Four simulated chambers were used.
Liu J Z, Pan X C
Classrooms in New Zealand schools are mostly low rise buildings with natural ventilationdesigns, sized for summer cooling.
Bassett M R, Gibson P
This presentation deals with the problem of achieving stable microclimate in old buildings ofSt Petersburg - such as churches, museums and palaces.
Korkin V D
The fractional collection efficiency (FCE) tests of a commercially available two-stageelectrostatic precipitator (ESP) have been performed for six flow rates.
Agranovski V, Morawska L, Ristovski Z, Jamriska M
k order to determine the amount of micro-organism present before and after the filters ofHVAC systems, 6 systems in 5 buildings were monitored every 2 weeks for one year.
Hake W, Neumeister-Kemp H G, Kemp P C, Martiny H
In residential buildings, air-conditioners are usually operated in intermittent mode. Thisintermittent mode may complicate many aspects of indoor environments.
Niu J L, Burnett J
This study is part of an investigation of the decontamination capabilities of indoor plants.Three internationally used species, Howea forsteriana Becc. (Kentia Palm), Dracaenaderemensis Eng.
Wood R A, Orwell R L, Burchett M D
A test room was used to evaluate the impact of airflow parameters on the effectiveness of an air cleaning system. The room’s dimensions were nominally 11.2 m x 5.7 m x 2.7 m.
Nelson P R, Bohanon H R, Wilson R K, Conrad F W, Mickens B, Taylor W D, Huza M A, Cox G H
Air temperature, air humidity and ventilation has been measured in a Swedish baroque castle. Results are presented for a measurement campaign comprising four periods under varying climatic conditions.
Holmberg J G, Stymne H, Boman C A, Astrom G
With a diameter of 320m, and a height of 50m the Millennium Dome is one of the World's largest enclosed spaces, probably the largest among those intended for public use.
Cripps A J, McLaughlin T, Carmichael K
A general trend in intelligent buildings is the decentralization of environmental controlsystems. Decentralized environmental control systems have many advantages over centralizedsystems.
Jeong K-B, Kim J-J
Emissions from dust collected in air filters have been investigated using in situ and chambermeasurements.
Johansson J H P, Rossell L
This study investigates indoor air environment via the flow fields, temperature fields and air contaminants (carbon monoxide) distributions in conventional residential kitchens, and looks for effective methods to solve those problems through natur
Chiang C-M, Lai C-M, Chou P-C, Li Y-Y
Within an International Energy Agency (IEA) project (Annex 27) experts from 8 countries(Canada, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Sweden, UK, and USA) have developed toolsfor evaluating domestic ventilation systems during the heating season.
Mansson L-G
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the indoor air quality parameters in a residentialdwelling using information from the field.
Giorgiantoni G, Giuli G
Recently well-insulated and well-airtightened houses are increasing in Japan. Those houses havesome problems of air quality because of formaldehyde from construction materials. Ventilationsystems have possibility to solve these problems.
Gondo T, Arai Y, Takehiro E, Sagae A, Matuo Y
During the last decade, an increasing interest in Underfloor Air-Conditioning (UFAC) systems has emerged. This is due mainly to an increased demand from employees for a greater control over their working environment.
Chung K-S, Han H-T, Cho C-G, Kong S-H, Cho M-K
