Steady-state one-dimensional water vapor movement by diffusion and convection in a multilayered wall.

Current moisture analysis methods for walls ignore air leakage effects or are not directly applicable to multilayered walls. Mathematical equations were developed for water vapour flow, vapour pressures, and moisture accumulation under steady state conditions with homogeneous one dimensional air flow through a multilayered wall.

Criteria for human exposure to humidity in occupied buildings.

The determination of an acceptable range of humidity is complicated by the conflicting effects of an increase or decrease in humidity levels on the speed of chemical interactions and growth of biological organisms and pathogens that may affect human health and comfort.

Air and aerosol infiltration in homes.

This paper discusses the measurement of air infiltration rates and reports on measurements relating indoor and outdoor aerosol size distributions in the 0.01 to 1 micron size range. 

Personal exposure to respirable particles: a case study in Waterbury, Vermont.

A study to assess personal exposure to respirable particles was conducted during January to March 1982 in Waterbury, Vermont. 48 non-smoking volunteers carried Harvard/EPRI personal samplers every other day for two weeks. 

Effects of residential wood combustion on indoor air quality: a case study in Waterbury, Vermont.

An indoor/outdoor monitoring study was conducted during January to March 1982 in Waterbury, Vermont. Respirable particle measurements were made inside and outside 24 homes (all occupants were nonsmokers), 19 with wood-burning appliances and 5 without. Data were also obtained on seasonal air exchange rate, heating fuel consumption, and relevant home characteristics. Findings indicate that indoor particle levels are consistently higher than outdoor values regardless of heating fuel type.

Thermal effects of air leakages on the thermal performance of building structures.

Simulation of the thermal performance of a building to take account of uncontrolled infiltration shows that infiltrating air on a leakage path is efficiently warmed up, especially if infiltration flow rates are low. For allowable infiltration flow rates with respect to thermal comfort, (0.5 -0.7 dm3/sm), the heating is 25 - 60 per cent of the temperature difference between the outside and inside air. For the longest leakage path, the incoming air is even near to the room air temperature.

Infiltration models for multicellular structures - a literature review.

Infiltration models are used to simulate the rates of incoming and outgoing air flows for a building with known leakage under given weather and shielding conditions. 

Results of a forty house indoor air pollutant monitoring study.

A study was conducted in 40 homes in the areas of Oak Ridge and West Knoxville, in the summer and winter months, to quantify concentrations of COx, NOx, particulates, formaldehyde, and radon, as well as selected volatile organic compounds. 

Comparison of model and full scale natural ventilation studies.

Undertakes a comparison of full scale and model scale internal velocities of naturally ventilated rooms. The FSEC Passive Cooling Lab, an experimental building with a fixed roof supported by columns, whose floor plan and ceilings are reconfigurable, located at Cape Canaveral in Florida, is the building used in this study. The full scale tests were conducted during evening and early night to provide an almost thermally neutral atmosphere, during February and March 1982.

Natural ventilation model studies.

Reviews the literature on wind tunnel modelling of natural ventilation. Lists advantages of using wind tunnels. Discusses strategies for utilizing natural ventilation. Describes the mean windspeed coefficient method and the wind discharge coefficient method of estimating natural ventilation for design of buildings in hot climates, and gives their advantages and disadvantages. Gives criteria for constructing wind tunnel models.
